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Katelin Arizmendi

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Posts posted by Katelin Arizmendi

  1. I'll be shooting a scene in a tanning bed on 35mm 500T at 24fps in the US. I'm wondering if there would be any flicker issues? I plan on purchasing a Cine Check to check before as I'm sure it depends on each bed. I was also told that the UV light can fog the film. An optical flat might be able to take some of the fogging away but it would still be fogged. Has anyone had experience with this? Perhaps some fogging could look cool but ideally not too much.

    Thank you

  2. Hey Jesse! I use continuous lighting for stills, and RARELY flashes (only used that with the yashica t4 because it has a decent built in flash). I mainly do Cinematography and Photography is somewhat new to me so I'm not familiar with strobe lights or typical photography lights. That series was lit naturally like you said with overcast sunshine. Thanks so much for the feedback!

  3. Thank you Chris Burke. I thought about having a Narrative reel separate from music video and fashion but at the same time, I think I bring a lot of my same style to all three of the mediums, and the chances of someone looking at more than one of my reels is probably pretty low. Thanks for the good luck! And yes, there definitely do need to be more women in Cinematography AND on this site. I see VERY few. Hence why I did feel like pointing out my gender. Don't think there's anything wrong with that.



  4. Yeah, that's definitely true. But I do want to replace a lot of it with footage that showcases my lighting more, which my latest work does, as opposed to good composition and obviously great colors that come from shooting on film. I'm just waiting for the directors to give me all the footage to update my reel.

  5. Yes Paul, a decent amount of my reel is on film but I plan on taking some of the Super 16mm out because I often get jobs from new Directors who think they can get that "look" when they hire me but with shooting HD because they somehow think I'm capable of that like it's part of my "style" and don't realize it's a whole different medium in itself. I do however plan to keep shooting 16mm for music videos and fashion films, even if that means whipping out a bolex. Thank you for the feedback.

  6. I'm a 23 year old female Director of Photography living in San Francisco, CA and making my way down to LA in the next few months. There's 5-6 narrative films I'm proud of that I've shot recently which have not been put into my Demo Reel yet because they're still in the editing process. I shoot narrative, music video, and fashion films. I know my style, I know what type of jobs I'll be asked to shoot over others, and I realize I still have a lot to learn. I'd like any critique, opinions, and comments from professional Cinematographers.






    Thank you,

    Katelin Arizmendi

  7. I'm a 23 year old female Director of Photography living in San Francisco, CA and making my way down to LA in the next few months. There's 5-6 narrative films that I've shot recently which have not been put into my Demo Reel yet. I shoot narrative, music video, and fashion films. I know my style, I know what type of jobs I'll be asked to shoot over others, and I realize I still have a lot to learn. I'd like any critique, opinions, and comments from professional Cinematographers.






    Thank you,

    Katelin Arizmendi

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