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Jesse Phomsouvanh

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Posts posted by Jesse Phomsouvanh

  1. Hi everybody,


    Could somebody please help me figure this out? An actor is holding a lit sparkler and takes a few steps and there is supposed to be a trail of light from the motion of the sparkler. I have a fixed angle rotary shutter so I was considering reducing the motor to 12.5fps for this shot (thus the exposure time is doubled than at 25fps), and then conforming it to 25 in post. I'm just worried about blurring my actor as a result.

    any tips or ideas?

  2. Hi guys,


    I'm using Fuji Eterna 500T 16mm (tungsten type) and my director wants a rather washed out, desaturated look keeping some objects potent and rich in colour.

    For example, there's a grey-blue bias in a bedroom scene and it's generally desaturated but we want to emphasize a bright red carnival flag. Should I do a blue flag and shoot everything in orange tungsten and do a reversal? I'm dealing with walls that are white and dark blue and there's some sunlight coming through which I can probably block out but it's not preferred.


    Thanks heaps


  3. Thanks for the replies so far guys :)

    So, like.. it's more a question of the camera itself when it comes to digital, than opposed to the film stock that makes the difference. I'd like to know how the cameras differ besides the general consumer/professional comparisons. Like, technical stuff.

    I'm looking up Zacuto's Great Camera Shootout now :)

    Shooting film is a great experience, you have to be so much more careful of stuff and for me anyway, using it is like an escape from the world that depends too much on digital nowadays. I'm a bit of a nature's boy :P


    I'm at the Griffith Film School (Southbank, Brisbane, Australia). They touch on every aspect of film making, like producing, writing, directing, sound, VFX, but for cinematography, they don't teach much digital stuff besides the basics.

  4. Hi everybody,


    I'm new to this forum and I'm a film student from Australia. I'm learning a lot about shooting in 16mm but we only look at a single camera and one type of lens.

    We've got a music clip to shoot for an assignment and we're using an Arri SR2 and a Zeiss B-Mount 10-100mm F3. I've used this lens in a previous assignment but I don't like the way it seems to 'zoom' in and out slightly as you focus. I want to try to hire another lens, but there's so many other brands, I wouldn't know how to compare with the Zeiss! I've seen Cooke, Schneider and Angenieux.. can someone please give some insight to how each brand tends to compare?


    Thanks :)


  5. Hi guys,


    I'd just like to say hello to everybody. This is my first post on this website :) Obviously wanting to be a cinematographer but I'm somewhat still new to the realm. I'm still confused about what is so special about digital cinematography. My film school only goes as far as teaching 16mm and so far... it's like everything that's important to learn and develop a craft with in film, is redundant for digital.


    I really like the idea of capturing images organically, and selecting appropriate stocks with fixed ISOs and using cameras with different shutters, etc. I find it's a real craft shooting film!

    But for digital, besides trying to filter out everybody raving about simplicity and the entire "who needs a high end camera when my SLR can do everything!"... I don't really understand what is making digital so great. Having a field monitor and customizable settings, seems to completely go against my idea of cinematography in film. I've read about different camera having higher ISO capabilities, or faster shutter capabilities, or longer shooting time before heating up in SLRs.. but what else is there that makes digital cameras so special? I guess it's a bit vague what I'm asking, so I'd love to discuss this with more experienced practitioners!


    Thanks everybody :)


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