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Elliot DeBonee

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Posts posted by Elliot DeBonee

  1. Looks like the hues of the blues in the sky could change to produce more of a purplish/magenta tone, adding reds only to the blue component. The relatively low contrast helps. I'd try lowering the detail/clarity levels to give the image a pearly effect.


    Everything in the image seems to have a soft appearance to it, especially around the edges of the wind blades. I read somewhere that pro colorists use some sort of color chart or something and get color fixed perfectly. I could never figure out exactly how to color correct properly. I do study footage from documentaries like this to attempt to help myself color correct better but it never seems to work. I mean how do they know what saturation levels certain things are and stuff? Would calibrating my monitor with something like Spyder 3 color calibrator help because it could also be my monitor, Im sure the pros use much better color correction stuff than I have at home.

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