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Tim Hodgson

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Posts posted by Tim Hodgson

  1. From his eye reflection is looks like a single light that's been balanced to the camera below and to the right of his face, and I'd say the 'greenish fill' is coming from a separate light behind with a greenish/blueish gel, most likely bouncing of something as it's pretty soft.

    This 'keep the skin tones but have the fill a teal type color' comes up in action films all the time.I can't give you an exact gel number that has been used, someone else might know what's industry standard.

    There's definitely been Colour Grading to accentuate this.

  2. If you can't figure out a solution you may have to think of an alternative set up. We had a similar-ish shot in a film last week but instead we shot a girl walking up a door in the hallway, then we shot towards the door from inside the bedroom, so the room was lit with soft fill light and then as the character opened the door she entered in silhouette with the harsh hallway light behind.

    You could have the sleeping character in the foreground of this shot and still get the spill of light with harsh border lines as the character enters.

    As the doorway character moves towards the sleeping character you could light her with the newly turned on lamp, and then set up the reverse with the harsh border lines (I assume that's what you really want from in this shot)

    Let us know how you go with the shot :)

    Good work on the diagrams!


  3. I'm generally happier if I can get away with lighting a face from one side with a big soft light and no fill... Few things are as beautiful as a face lit by a window, ala Vermeer. I think a lot of us would love to just use one light coming from the perfect angle for a scene.

    Agreed :)


    Though this is not super soft, just one redhead with a bit of diffuse coming from the side/ slightly behind. A small bounce board fills the side of her face against his chest (from the same redhead) so it's not super dark and her eyelight is coming from a practical lamp (which didn't let off a lot of light). There was a heavily diffused redhead lighting up the room behind them also, but really this shot was achieved with just 1 light.




    Fun fact actually, this sunset living room shot was 2 levels underground in an abandoned mall we managed to get permission to use :)


    Also helps when you're actress is stunning.

  4. Hey guys,

    A few months ago I borrowed an intervalometer from a friend, it was a nonbranded model, but it did everything I wanted..and I've been trying to find the same model so I can buy one but he's lost his and doesn't remember.

    I remember the main thing that set his apart (we used 3 different ones from friends on the shoot I was on) was that his was able to increase the photo count in blocks. So instead of holding the button forever to get from 348 photos to 578 photos, his you could go to the 4 and click up to 358, 368, 378 then click left the the 3 and go up to 478 578....

    I have been browsing the web for soo long and haven't been able to find one that explicitly states that it does this function!

    Would love to hear what you guys use :)

    Please help me out guys! I need a model compatible with the 5D2.

  5. Thanks for your replies!


    We did a test shoot on the Red Scarlett but ended up not being able to afford it :( So we ended up shooting on the 5D3, and looking back on the rushes we can't see any problems :)

  6. I liked it, except for the incredibly irritating camerawork in the first 10 minutes.. I like handheld work, particularly when the camera is roving around, pulling out details and looks, but when the camera is active like that, the absolute last thing you should do is shake the camera. In the opening minutes, the camera never settled on anything long enough or still enough to see what I was supposed to be looking at. There was also an unacceptably high number of soft shots, I would imagine as a result of the 1st AC never being sure what the camera was pointing at.


    It worked it the arena where the action was, but at the beginning the district is relatively undisturbed and going about their lives. I would've thought establishing her life at the beginning would've worked better if not shot so super erratic. Was this to signify the ever present threat of danger? I don't think it worked, or fit, with the music and action at all.



    The first ten minutes almost lost me. I remember one particular shot of an old man eating a piece of chicken to the bone. It was punched in so close and shaky and everything else was quiet and relaxed, I could think of CHICKENNNNNNNNN CHICKEN!! What was the point of it?

  7. Hey guys,


    I'm new here and just hoping to get some advice please :)


    We're shooting a student film, but all our test shoots are experiencing major problems on my 5d mk2 with aliasing. The short film's whole story relies on the use of patterns and the seeing of patterns. We're finding that the 5d2 isn't able to capture a fair amount of the patterned costumes, buildings, paintings etc because of the aliasing effect we're getting.


    Was hoping to find out if there are options out there with video filters that can help us get rid of the aliasing? or if we have to look at hiring out a better camera.


    What would be a good suggestion on cameras that aren't too much more expensive then DLRS's but that will negate our problem?


    Thanks for your time,



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