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Mark Baluk

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Status Updates posted by Mark Baluk

  1. Sushi in New Brunswick. Not bad.

  2. From the ocean to my kitchen.

  3. Happy Six Year Anniversary, Alexia Giroux!

  4. I think it's time for Christmas music. -with Sufjan Stevens

  5. Watching Windows 3.1 unboxing videos on youtube...

  6. Let's hope I can get snow kiting this weekend!

  7. On the bright side, I now have the same number of Tour de France wins as Mr. Armstrong.

  8. I dedicate today to Al Gore.

  9. Why didn't I come up with this? www.ikeamonkeyshirt.com/game.htmlAMAZING.Ikea Monkey: the game.

  10. So everyone posts photo of how much snow they got, but nothing in Toronto. #thanksalotlakeontario :-(

  11. Selling Adobe CS5.5 boxed edition. Let me know if you're interested!

  12. Oh crap. I forgot to vote today.

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