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Mark Baluk

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Status Updates posted by Mark Baluk

  1. From the ocean to my kitchen.

  2. Happy Six Year Anniversary, Alexia Giroux!

  3. I dedicate today to Al Gore.

  4. I think it's time for Christmas music. -with Sufjan Stevens

  5. Let's hope I can get snow kiting this weekend!

  6. Oh crap. I forgot to vote today.

  7. On the bright side, I now have the same number of Tour de France wins as Mr. Armstrong.

  8. Selling Adobe CS5.5 boxed edition. Let me know if you're interested!

  9. So everyone posts photo of how much snow they got, but nothing in Toronto. #thanksalotlakeontario :-(

  10. Sushi in New Brunswick. Not bad.

  11. Watching Windows 3.1 unboxing videos on youtube...

  12. Why didn't I come up with this? www.ikeamonkeyshirt.com/game.htmlAMAZING.Ikea Monkey: the game.

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