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Everything posted by Malinko

  1. I think Greg Pak is a great guy for sharing his knowlege on the web. His website really helped me early on. He is very knowlegable and I recomend people to his website.
  2. :huh: I just got an ACL for six hundred dollars. The things tight. It works, I just dont have any lenses for it yet. Is it just me or does acting look more realistic on film than video? I just think it looks more natural, I dont know. I have some questions: With a film camera, when you zoom can you see this effect in the view finder? The paralax view finder, I think you couldnt. What about a reflex? Can you put multiple filters on a film camera? What is the hardest camera to thread, the NPR? I want practice. With the eception of the HMIs and the flourecents, do tungsten lights have the same chemical composition (quartz iodide, halogen, carbon arc, etc). Im also searching google to find out the process of making lenses and film. Do you think I could users manuals on how to operate processors and telecines and DI from the manufactuer? I want to learn everything I possibly can. The archives are very informative. I wish I could print it all out and make it into a book. I hate staring at the computer. Thank you, Im sorry if I bored you.
  3. ....but Vin knows cinematography..... :unsure:
  4. (from imdb) Its funny but amid all the independent fairy tales Vin Diesel never gets mentioned. People like Edward Burns, Kevin Smith, The Blair Whitch People and yes, -Robert Rodriguez (the big one) always are connected with that rags to riches rap. Vin Diesel should be too! He started out as a cinematographer, director and actor. He did what kevin Smith and the others above did. He made a thirty thousand dollar movie learning cinematograhpy from a book called "Movies at used car prices". He raised the thirty thousand dollars over two years, working as a telemarketer (kind of dreary). This guy busted his ass. He learned the stocks, the cameras got some actors. After his first film went nowhere after it premiered at Sundance. He did the whole thing again. FOR ANOTHER TWO YEARS! The telemarketing, the whole thing. So he made another film. That too went nowhere. A month after it failed to get any attention at Cannes, poor Mr Diesel went home. Coming back dejected only to find a message on his answering machine from somone named Steven Spielberg. Mr Spielberg told Mr Diesel that he saw his movie at Cannes and wanted Vin to audition for a part in some movie called "Saving Private Ryan". Just trying to feed the dream guys.
  5. Wasnt "Kill Bill" put through a DI? It looked "crisp" and "sharp". Robert Richardson knows what he is doing. Him and Tarrantino contemplated this together. Read the article at Kodak.
  6. lol I couldnt reply to this earlier because I was in class. If we post messages or use email, play music or any type of media over the computer we get punished. Listen, Im smart enough to know that I dont know much of anything. Cinematography is a sprawling subject, its huge! Im just trying to learn. I went on the google message boards regarding cinematography. Those people are mean! Im happy to be here where the people are nice and the staff is helpful. After the whole google thing I said "Im gonna be as technical as I can". We're all artists we can all get better. Despite my major, I like to think of myself as an artist. An artist just plodding away at his garden. Lets all do better. No, I have never actually used a motion picture camera before. But I know how to take still pictures. I have an old Pentax, things a treat. Thats film. Back in high school I never took the "film class" because all they would do is shoot on video. They would make videos then put them on the morning school news after the pledge. Instead I took the still photography class because we would shoot black and white film in manual SLR cameras. We would then enlarge, develope and print our pictures. I think this taught me more about film than the video class would. Video? yuck! Mr. Mullen. What is it that you learn everyday? Whats the most recent thing you have learned? I have been reading your posts for the last couple months over there at google. Its kind of weird corresponding with you. Kind of like meeting Mark Wahlberg, or somthing. What are you still learning? I gotta hear this one! Did you know the F-number of the eye is f2.8-f-16.
  7. Please stop yelling at me guys! I agree!
  8. My theory is the more I know, the safer I am outhere regarding film. I am twenty years old. I go to a community college and major in physics. Im a c student, not much of an intelectual but I try. I have learned alot about film over the years. I think I have alot of knowlege. I read all I can. I think I know plenty about film and optics and light. I know all the terms. Terms like "Finite Conjugate" "Gaussian Theory" "Doublet" "Crown Glass". "The PH scale regarding film" "Annuls" "Pont spread fuction" "Nodal Points" "Mireds" "Opacity, that it is the reciprocal of transmission. Chemical characteristics. Modulation Transfer Function, etc, etc. I obviously know plenty more terms and their deffinitions, I just wish not to post them due to space and your attention span but you get the idea. How much more can I learn? I want you to prove me wrong because that means I will learn somthing guys. I think I have reached a plateau. Please prove me wrong, Im starving! Thanks Guys!
  9. Mr Mullen with all do respect I never said it was simple! The pull down mechanism is what I am most impressed with regarding these cameras. That it is so consistant. I believe (but not sure) that it was invented by Tom Armat in the late nineteenth century? Persistance of vision is correlated to this. But a car is handmade and it has just as many gears and mechanisms with more workers and parts and matierals so.....I do agree though. These cameras hold up better than any car or old machine for that matter!
  10. Most 16mm cameras with the exception of the elaine and others like it really arent worth what they are sold for. Two thousand dollars for an Eclair NPR or Arriflex BL? Not worth it! These cameras are devastatingly simple machines when you compare them to thier suggested prices (2g and up). While the pull-down mechanism is amazing it is cheap primitive technology compared to a computer with all it expensive matierals and digital hardware that can be sold for six hundred dollars! Im not saying these cameras are simple machines. Im just saying that the technology is primitive compared to the price and the more complex machines such as computer or some cars which are cheaper.
  11. The Kodak H-24 manual regarding film processing is fantastic. The only problem is this manual, this beast is too big to print out. I heard that you can buy the H-24 manual under the name "The Eastman Guide to Processing Motion Picture Film. I think thats the name. Is this the H-24 manual? Where can I buy it? Looked all over the internet, cant find it. Im willing to shell out a hundred for that thing.
  12. Im sure you are all aware of the movie "Casino". I think the movie looked fine but others did not. Robert Richardson, who did the movie was very disapointed with himself and he did not like the way it looked. Robert Richardson is probably one of the best cinematographers working today. His images are brilliant. Whats he seeing that others arent regarding Casino?
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