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Tyler Clark

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Everything posted by Tyler Clark

  1. I' was wondering if anyone knew any great sources for learning how to shape light? I've struggled with using large sources because of my lack of knowledge in this area. I've also ran into some situations on a current project where the director wanted to use a single visible source (an LED lamp) in a night scene wide shot and I was having a tough time trying to add to that in order to bring up certain areas of the image and accent faces in the shot. Ideally I would love to find some good sources to help me learn to shape the light.
  2. Does anyone know of any very informative set of videos that would go beyond the same videos I keep finding which consist of basic composition, 3 point lighting, basic exposure, and the infamous, which camera is the best video. This is probably asking a lot but I just learn so much better from watching than I do reading. I'm such a slow reader. (Which isn't that why we became filmmakers anyway?) Much appreciation for this site. I hope as I grow as a DP I can contribute more to it. Thanks Tyler
  3. Hi there. I'm new to the forum and would like to learn alot from it as it seems very insightful. I know I might get swarmed with comments saying this has already been posted before but not once have I ever found what I was searching for on a forum, and low and behold, couldn't on this one either. I'm here to ask what the best way to work up to DP? Currently I've been working as G&E on sets to learn lighting dynamics but I don't know how to go about learning what it takes to DP or where I should really start. Thanks in advance! Tyler
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