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Maurizio Tiella

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Posts posted by Maurizio Tiella

  1. I would like to add that respect should be always taken into account when posting on a forum, there are many ways in which to correct a mistake or shed light on a dubious concept. Experience is to be passed down, not slammed on somebody's face. This forum can be a very informative and opinion-sharing place. Would be cool to keep the metal out of it.



  2. The Arri D20, Panavision Genesis, and Dalsa Origin use 35mm-sized imagers so the depth of field characteristics are similar to 35mm.



    Actually, Arri decribes it, the CMOS of the D20 has the same aperture of ANSI Super 35mm.

    As far as the fps the camera is capable of running at 150fps, but to this date that speed cannot be reached due to limitations on data rate to the recording devices AND recording speed of those recording devices (be it throughput in case of a disk recorder, or tape speed/capacity on a tape based recorder).



  3. Well I also was investigating the pros and cons of the SONY HDW-F900 and of the Panasonic AJ-HDC27F, but now I found that the pANASONIC is available in the newer model AK-HC931 which has 1920x1080p.

    Has anyone tested that model and an output to film?

    I should be testing it next monday outfitted with Digi Primes and the go the whole way to D5 and then to 35mm film print.

    I had personally found the AJ-HDC27F very pleasing and with rich texture, but I was advised by the camera technician at the rental company not to go the extra effort to test the result of printing to 35mm and wait to test the 931.


    I will let you know soon once I see the print.



  4. Since Ptak shot "Pornografia" on 35mm film, and you really liked the look, why not use film as well?:





    Thank you,

    I will keep investigating the matter, and will contact Mr Giordani.

    It is though strange that the film end titles in Italy didn't show any 35mm camera equipment nor film stock, but just the Cinealta log, but both imdb.com and the url you included list the film as shot on 35mm. In an encounter with Jan Jakub Kolski right after the movie screening, he spoke of the film being shot entirely on CineAlta. For that reason I was impressed on how beautiful HD looked in that film.



  5. Hi there,


    I am about to shoot a short movie and, considering budgetary reason, and inspired by the amazing images of "Pornografia" shot by Krsyztof Ptak in 2003, I was going to test HD for the project. The short will be output to 35mm release print.

    The rental house in Roma has a Panasonic AJ-HDC27F which has 1280x720 lines against 1920x1080 of a Cinealta. Before I even start to test it for printing to 35mm as the final medium of release, I was wondering if anyone has seen anything blown to 35mm from this camera and if it is worth considering it.

    Renting a SONY Cinealta for the 12 days of shooting would instead not be any more convenient than going 35mm all the way through. So It would either be the Panasonic or 35mm.


    Thank you,


    Maurizio Tiella

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