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Jack Mitchell

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Posts posted by Jack Mitchell

  1. When you slate, be sure to slate at the head and tail of a take. You have to be ready just off camera with the slate, but just stick it in frame enough to catch the clap. This will really go a long ways to helping you achieve sync with out a sync camera. What kind of camera (make and model) are you using?


    Ok thanks.... I will take on board your recommendation of slating at the head and tail of a take.


    The camera I am using is a Bauer S 609 XL.


    I have been informed by the guy who sold it to me that I will need an external light meter but I don't know which one to get and I haven't got a clue how to use one.

  2. Hello,


    I am hoping to soon delve into the world of film-making. I have had some experience with digital cameras but have decided to use Super 8 as I much prefer it aesthetically.


    The camera I have isn't able to record sound because the sound cartridges are not made for it anymore. So I will need to externally record the audio.


    What would be the best possible way of recording the sound separate from the camera? Do I need a boom mic and field mixer? If this is too expensive, is there still a cost effective way that will yield good results?



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