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Rudolf Goertz

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Posts posted by Rudolf Goertz

  1. Kahl doesn't want to sell (at all) to end-users and certainly don't want anybody on the phone anymore.

    How did you get through (and why would you want to).


    Well, I am not an end-user. Cutting films/doing post/sound/some 3d... is my job and therefor I am a "pro" (beside the matter of quality or budget) And I think that is what Kahl means :) However I don't really understand that restriction. He says that "this is all very much work".

    Anyway I found him very helpful and it was a longer and pleasant phonecall. And the number... I got it from the internet. I am tempted to order some rolls of film (including development and transfer) there because he was very kind but it is strange that there are no examples and the films are also nowhere discussed nor the transfer is...

  2. Hallo Joerg!

    I joined the other Forum as well and you help me a lot!

    It is great to have kind and helpful fellows providing you with such useful tips and tricks especially as film is rather expensive!

    The shrink and squeeze suggestion sounds very promising and I will try it out as soon as I have my first testfilms done.

  3. Hello Heikki,

    big ThankYou for the links and info! I just checked Gaugefilm and they seem to offer a good package for me: It is relatively cheap and I can do some testing (the only downside it can take some time) However I will check the other links as well. Wittner resides in Hamburg (where I live...) However Alhoslab looks also very good (but I will have to wait for updated English site) !

    Again thanks a lot for a lot of very useful information :)

  4. Hallo Jörg,


    thank you very much for your help and your highly appreciated tips! I just ordered a lense support for my hefty Iscorama 54. Ususally I prefer the smaller Iscorama (pre 36) because of much lesser weight but unfortunatly it does not work on 10mm like the 54 due to vignetting. I really love the Bolex Möller Baby anamorphic (double focussing is a piece of cake on this one) but it is just too small for super-8.

    Did you ever try a stretch instead of squeeze in post? As the Iscoramas are very sharp and only have a 1,5x compression this could also work fine?

    Regarding film: I called Kahl Film: They recommended me the Kahl NC 15. You can also order the full package including 2k scan. Maybe anybody has heard about? However was a nice call and they tried to help me...

    A lot of things changed during 25 years :unsure: ! Film was so cheap in the old days.




    PS I bought two books about super-8 and will check the recommended site! :)

  5. First

    I want to say hello and thanks in advance for your time and help! I have been reading a lot on the internet but I is somehow confusing when it comes on a couple of questions

    I recently bought two cameras a Bauer A512 and the Leicina. I did not film on Super-8 for nearly twentyfive years and now getting tired of digital. Its is like your ears are getting tired of mp3 and just want a record to relax...

    I would like to do a small music clip with a song I did a couple of years ago and it is rather confusing to get some basic information on at least three questions:

    A. What would be the best/easiest film be for the beginning (including telecine... negative?)

    B. I read different things about Super-8 transfer. What would you recommend - especially with the use of an anamorphic adapter (HD/2K)? Of course I did that "glasscreen-stuff" already but that is just for some holiday/family clips...

    C. Though I'm experienced with anamorphics I am not with Super-8. Will I need lenssupport for the heavy Isco 54 with the Optivaron on the Leicina (on the Variogon/Bauer it is no problem). Are there any smaller lenses (primes) you can recommend for the Leicina. Unfortunately I don't own the Cinegon and it seems to be very expensive. Maybe that would work nice with the smaller Iscorama (from '68 with 30mm rear)

    I am also looking for a lens for the Bolex Möller 8/19/1,5 which was made for 8mm but has a very small rear thread of 24mm.


    Very sorry for this long first post! Again thank you very much if you read through this and of course for any help!




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