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pushparaj santhosh

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Everything posted by pushparaj santhosh

  1. Thanks a lot for your replies...but I don't understand one bit...why do we need to use ND filters to cut down the exposure when you can always lower the light levels by cutting down the aperture...is it for the simple reason for working with a bigger aperture or is there a specific reason for working with a bigger opening? Thanks...and one more thing...what is the use of shooting with higher resolutions when you're going to anyways release ur footage in a lower resolution...what are the advantages of shooting with a higher resolution say 6k...
  2. Thanks a lot buddy...but there is a bit which I cannot understand...how to do you gain a better signal to noise ratio by overexposuring and pulling it in the post...and can you explain a little bit about DR? Thanks
  3. Hi guys...I'm just curious about something...I see a lot of professional cinematographers using 800 iso while shooting be it heavily lit day light exteriors or dimly lit night exteriors...it is the same regardless of the camera system they use be it red cameras or Alexa...is there a specific reason for that? Thanks
  4. wooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dude...you're the man..thanks for taking so much time and pain to share this information...I really appreciate it...learnt a great deal of information from you..thanks again... :)
  5. thanks guys...I just want to shoot an interior scene with a girl sitting near the window...Her face should be lit with the golden look of the sunset...I know we can shoot it naturally but I just want to know how to create it artificially...thanks for the reply.. :D
  6. hey guys I just want to know how to create the sunlit look with artificial lights...for example how to create the sun look with an HMI. I do know that it is daylight balanced but how to great that warm, yellow, gloomy look...thx.
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