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scott karos

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Everything posted by scott karos

  1. Thanks for all the answers everyone. One question I wanted to ask again that I didn't get an answer that I wanted. Lets say you have a scene, a basic scene of maybe just dialogue and some action or movement. Is it common for a director to use several different lenses in one scene?
  2. For example, is it common for a director to use mostly wide lenses in a film such as 24mm, but occasionally they use something longer like a 50mm or higher? Can a director use a 24mm in one shot, and then the very next shot can it be a 50mm? Bottom line, Im wondering if there are any rules against using multiple focal lengths throughout a film.
  3. I'm still fairly new to filmmaking and would love to hear other DP's process in preparing for a shoot. Such as: Do you like to storyboard? Do you do any camera tests? How do you decide certain equipment like cameras or lenses? How does a director influence your decisions? Anything along those lines. It can be any kind of shoot. Feature, short film, commercial, etc.
  4. I want to experiment with different kinds of aspect ratio and would love some advice. I know that you have to be aware of certain things while your shooting but I'm still not sure how to go about it.
  5. I've never used a light meter and it appears to be a very important tool for cinematographers. What exactly does it tell you? This is for shooting digital, not film. Does it tell you what to put your settings to on your camera? any advice would be a great help. thanks.
  6. Im shooting digital most likely on a canon 5d with rokinon lenses. If i lose 2 stops of light, does that mean I'll need to set more lights to supplement the loss?
  7. I have a short film I want to make and I want it to have a blueish look. It all takes place in a bedroom. Are there any filters that could do this or would it have to do with lighting? Any advice would be great.
  8. Ahhgghghhgggg!!!!! For the love if god I need an answer!!! Atsushsuxhshsbwjsjdjsjs!!!!!'n$:$:&2$:$:&:$: But if you don't that's ok.
  9. I'm still learning about lenses and I had read about cinematographers who say that lenses is really all about the story. They don't give a definite answer all the time. Lenses are certainly technical. But do you think it's more instinctual?
  10. People are so nice on this website.
  11. Two men, one room. At times touching and at other times incestuous. What happens when tensions build and people fall from grace? These two men demonstrate just that. I give you Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WAIQ-ps5Wnw My channel: http://m.youtube.com/user/cleanupbigfoot23
  12. I'm not talking about brands. More so the focal length is what I'm talking about. Prime lenses. For example, let's say one shot is shot with a 25mm lens. The very next shot is used with a 40mm lens. Of course that depends on where the next shot is.
  13. Have you ever seen such a monstrocity as a person being killed? Has someone close to you ever died from something like eating chicken and the next minute they are dead? That doesn't happen in this video, but **(obscenity removed)**. I don't know what happens at all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf-8Vf6uipw My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/cleanupbigfoot23
  14. When a lone man enters the forest, his strength is tested. And his titties. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDgNV4xYkXI My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/cleanupbigfoot23
  15. Most films use multiple lenses, some use very few. How often are they changing lenses in a given scene? I know it all depends but is there any kind of philosophy when it comes to lenses? Mainly when it comes to using many different kinds? thanks
  16. Remember the good ol' days when dogs didn't know how to talk? I sure do. Ziggy here learned how to talk and now he goes around acting like he owns the place. Cats may be the most evil creature out there but damn one of these days dogs are gonna rip everyones face off. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAEWpg32Oy4 My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/cleanupbigfoot23?feature=watch
  17. Don't you hate it when you're alone in your house and all of sudden some dude starts making a bunch of noise? Don't you hate it more when you can't see them? Here's what to do in that situation…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwMHy7heyII MY CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/cleanupbigfoot23
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