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Zachary Van Heel

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Posts posted by Zachary Van Heel

  1. If you are in Los Angeles, I recommend visiting VER in Burbank, who has a large selection of projectors to choose from.


    I went over there to test a DLP projector playing back a Quicktime clip from my laptop, using my little Sony NEX6 camera to shoot 24P video of the screen image... had sync issues even though the clip on my laptop was also shot on the same Sony camera at 24P, but I think the HDMI out was a 60i signal. Anyway, VER suggested I try an LCD projector and I had no sync issues.


    So if you can get a digital camera that runs at 96 fps and set-up a test at a video projector rental house, you might be able to find something that works.




    In terms of brightness, I ended up renting a 15,000 lumens LCD projector to fill a 12'x8' screen -- I was able to shoot at T/2.0 at 200 ISO on a 35mm film camera loaded with 250D stock. That should give you some idea of what you'd get on an 800 ISO digital camera -- which at 96 fps, would be like 200 ISO at 24 fps.



    Thanks for the reply David.


    In Philadelphia, so so far looking like I will need to do a test day up in New York as I can't seem to find any rental houses that are outside the corporate business meeting model here with multiple options.


    Would you off chance know the distance of the projector to screen to for the 15,000 lumens LCD projector? Or a guesstimation.

  2. What's an LED projector?


    Anyway, there are 120FPS projectors out there...





    Using an LED light as the source instead of a standard bulb, regardless of being reflective (DLP) or transmissive (LCD). If it would allow for higher frequency.


    Thank you for the reply. Have you had experience filming with this projector/ a projector at higher frame rates?

  3. Hello,

    I have been trying to research with little success on using projectors and high frame rates.

    I want to shoot 96 fps. With a projected image in frame.

    Would an LED projector allow filming at different frame rates/ shutter speeds without having flicker?

    And also having to consider output of the actually unit to get an image exposed when going to the higher frame rate.

    Or if anyone has worked with a specific projector that they recommend would be great or any good resources on this would be awesome, I have come up fairly empty handed and talking with some local projector rental companies to no avail.

    Thanks in advance


  4. Hello,


    I have been trying to research with little success on using projectors and high frame rates.


    I want to shoot 96 fps. With a projected image in frame.


    Would an LED projector allow filming at different frame rates/ shutter speeds without having flicker?


    And also having to consider output of the actually unit to get an image exposed when going to the higher frame rate.


    Or if anyone has worked with a specific projector that they recommend would be great or any good resources on this would be awesome, I have come up fairly empty handed and talking with some local projector rental companies to no avail.


    Thanks in advance


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