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Jeff Koay

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Posts posted by Jeff Koay

  1. Greetings fellow Cinematographers and movie makers.


    The unthinkable has happend. During shipping, a virtually brand new DVX100B was stolen right from the shipping carton. The camera was shipped via UPS from Carrollton, TX to Ridgewood, NY during the week of March 3rd, 2008. From what I can tell, the shipping carton was cut open, the camera was removed (packed in its orginal retail box), and the shipping carton sealed back up with only a padded carry case loosely rolling around insde the carton. It arrived at the destination fully intact, sealed shut, no camera inside. :o


    I have filed with UPS, but am bewildered as how something like this could have happened, since only the receiver and the shipper/shipping location have the knowledge or record of the contents.


    I am putting out an APB, hopefully to alert fellow board members to be on the look out. The camera is in mint condition with only 8 hours on the counter, has all the original accessories, and was shipped with a silver afermarket battery. The serial number under the eyepiece is I6ND00113. If someone offers to sell you a camera with this SN, please let me know!


    I am hoping it will show up somewhere, but what are the chances?


    I had partial insurance coverage on it when shipped. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how this could have happened. This is quite a nightmare!

  2. If not an HD field monitor, at least a color calibrated monitor. and if not a color calibrated monitor, at the VERY least a small portable TV so you're not squinting and attempting to judge focus using a tiny tiny LCD screen (good or otherwise).


    Trust me. I've learned the hard way.




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