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Posts posted by uva_canibal

  1. I saw these filters in the ASC store web page. I´m interested because: "These specially shaped Lenslets in this filter?s interior are arranged in a computer randomized matrix that prevents moiré patterns and other artifacts associated with the beam splitters and pixel-ccd sensors used in today?s DV-HD Capture devices." Anybody has the opportunity to work with these or similar filters?


  2. Hugo Villa:

    Esta es la cámara con la que se filmaron las grandes obras de la "nueva ola francesa". Trátala con respeto. Raoul Cotard filmó con ella, "Sin Aliento" y Henri Decae "Los 400 golpes". Antes de comprar cámaras encuentra buenos directores con ideas que filmar. Si tienes eso, hasta una beaulie de super 8 hará bién su trabajo.

    Un abrazo

  3. Hi everibody:

    I am a director interested in the quallity of the image. The other day talking with a fellow DP, he told me that in recent times he has been shooting all his material with the shutter at 172.8 angle. This because, he said, it´s the same shutter angle that Kodak´s technicians uses to shoot all the tests for their film stocks. The result it´s a different cadence in motion, and more definition and crisp quality. I really take a look in his material and it was excellent, but I will need a side by side procter and gamble demo, to see the diference, and I´m not have the resources to do that. So here I am, asking to the experts, and anxious to hear their opinions. Thanks!

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