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bill h. hendrickson

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Posts posted by bill h. hendrickson

  1. ok lets break it down once again.

    the I/o module ( the link you provided) is to add extra PORTS ill repeat .. extra to the ones on the body already has some of the ports on the I/o module are just pass throughs from the body.. so go and block it you'll get all your sync with out it .

    the camera has time code out using the ports on the body, it has multichannel audio in with mini plugs not XLR right on the body in the front like i said before .


    I really hope were done with that haha i don't know how much clearer i can be so ill say it one more time


    On the body its self with a v mount attached to it you DO NOT block anything that gives time code, audio, sync,video, and headphone ALL ON THE BODY NOT BLOCKED


    so yes you can sync sound to the video with just the ports on the body.


    once again the long I/O port on the back can be blocked and you will get all your video out , timecode , audio.


    well tyler I'm in the re world and I edit fine on premire and color in davinci so there you go real world proven . I stopped using prores unless from an alexa 4 years ago and my system works perfectly.



    Like i said go inspect a camera don't let the rental house do it for you actually play with it rather then post links of things you don't understand. Im actually trying to help so you don't have all these wrong things floating in your mind.


    any other questions i can clear up for you I'm pretty sure the sound sync is cleared up by now .. i mean i am in the real world and shoot high end things with the vmount to the body and i record audio . real world


    the modules are just extra stuff everything you need to get going is on the body .

  2. tyler take your time don't answer right away carefully review what i wrote and review the millions of pictures on the web then put one in your hands maybe go to a university and they will let you play. please do all those things so we can stop messing around and have a serious conversation where we both know the facts. basically all the conversations are at this point is telling you how your wrong. lets move on from that and talk about the camera its self .. i mean come on its a little silly RED.com will point out exactly where the audio ports are.


    most cameras have OLPF's if not all that idont know 100 percent i do know sony, alexa,phantom all have OLPF and sony and phantom have switchable ones too . thats nothing new

  3. you don't need that I/o port thats for modules has nothing to do with cables or syncing audio and time code. ITs just to talk to the camera when you want to add different modules like a secondary card reader or many other things . so thats the end of that ..so again "what you know" is kind of getting in the way of having an educated conversation . we need to get past the whole "what you know" thing and work on some facts. just go to RED.com theres pictures and you can clearly see that the audio which is in the front of the camera is not blocked. the sync which is below the V mount is not blocked . I just told you that . Like i said please actually hold one in your hand you'll see what you say is wrong.


    its funny because you argue things that clearly show you have never picked up or really used the camera. i have no idea who has arguments like that when they have no idea . Just relax man go pick up a camera or go to RED.com all the answers are there no need to keep making the same wrong comments ..


    you don't even know what that long i/o part does . look at the camera .. the audio is recorded on the body on the front of the camera.


    about editing

    Ok but your comment was that the software could not take in RAW red files. It can . thats the end of that . playback is based on how fast your system is . now your just coming up with new arguments .

  4. You're right about one thing, I did forget the SSD module had an EVF output.


    Again, my point is that you can't put a V mount battery receptacle onto the back of the actual camera body without disrupting critical resources. It's not a big deal, you can always run cables all over the place on your rig. If you followed RED's accessory guide, you'd have a nice clean camera without all that mess.

    thats not true though. As some one who's actually used the camera the v mount plate attached to the back of the camera does not change the way you run cables. All your ports are still accessible. like your sdi, hdmi,sync, ctrl, power all of them. the way you cable your came does not change one bit. Im not sure where you got that idea. you should really get your hands on one of the cameras before continuing commenting on it . I mean thats a basic thing if you actually held the camera with a v mount plate on it you would know.


    Now that you know 98 percent of all your bad thoughts on the camera are wrong, including this V mount cable one you might want to use one. obviously all the bad things you thought were not true so basically you actually do like the camera. and you can edit the native files easily on all your editing systems. Premiere pro does a good job of that you can edit red raw and a simple mac book no problem. I can teach you

  5. you don't need a DSCM module for the RED EVF you can plug it straight to the body.. you can also use third party EVF's for the red through SDI or HDMI. Most cameras have proprietary connectors for their EVF's including black magic URSA mini, sony, arri. no difference really


    you don't need to cover anything up with the battery you can mount a v mount or gold mount any where including rails behind the camera on the side of camera or straight on the back . thats the beauty of it you can build it to your needs.

    Ive had a v mount on the back of the RED epic / dragon for the last 4 years. never blocked anything needed .


    for some one as your self who shoots very minimal no cables no nothing perfect for you


    Don't want to use and RED accessories thats fine get all third party. this goes the same with most cameras . some less the others .

  6. Freya Black

    you can use that battery plate on the red

    only your right only the connector has to change but the plate stays the same very standard in most camera systems. most cameras will have proprietary power connector but the plate stays the same. very easy..

    and they use standard V mont that you can buy many places.


    My point in pointing this out is not saying red is better but rather the same as many other camera systems . The link you provided there are not many cameras that use that actual connector .. but i think your pointing out the plate which yes red can use.



    Also I agree its ok to be wrong . but when you realize it its good to admit it and stop saying the same things over and over and in different threads and forums. Its also ok to admit your wrong thats how you learn.

  7. I'm adding the most positivity here .. I'm keeping this forum fact based. if your not a moderator then whats your warning about ? hopefully you call out people who actually need it who do real harm. if you have time to cal me out then i hope in the future you call others out

  8. Sorry Mr. Murashige,

    Yes it was bit rude . But I ask that a warning be given to Tyler also. This is an site based on educating people. And he's giving out wrong information which is not good education. I think thats it is worse then being rude so I ask the moderators and the people of this community to please give him a warning. or at least call him out on it . why am i the only one?


    I don't want to re write everything from my last post but two quick examples.

    he said you can't use standard v mounts on a red camera. Fact yes you can . even arri cameras when you buy them have no batt. mount you have to specify what you want or buy it third party just like red.


    He said you can't edit natively with the red files and he gave a list of programs. every single program he gave you can edit natively .. like davinci or premier . which he stated you can't .. so this is wrong not an opinion .


    Arri Raw is also proprietary so he's wrong there too. when he said that camera does not shoot a proprietary format.


    the raven which is what this topic is about shoots prores so how it that different from an arri camera?


    if you re read my post you can see where I wrote every thing that was wrong about what he said .


    Tyler i do admit that my comments based on quality of film could be an opinion but everything else was not an opinion they were facts and thats why you chose not to comment on those things.

    codecs are not opinions they are facts.


    So I ask again If I'm getting a warning could we please give him a warning on the miss information.


    I have nothing to do with RED or even like it that much. I just simply pointed out which parts you were wrong on and coincidently most were about red cameras.

  9. for post #75

    do I need to be on IMDB to point out your wrong I just proved it I'm glad thats all you could come back with just go to show more that you were wrong. Just admit it and move on.


    you have to realize to thats your opinion there are more good movies made with monitors then no monitors. and if they had that back then they would be using them.

    you can always se and actor with camera dolly crew sound in front of them . you need a monitor.


    for Post #76

    Freya Black

    Its true not to make attacks .. but 98 percent of what tyler is saying its not opinion so he's gibing a lot of miss information and its how rumors and things get started.


    Past #77

    that is true for the RED one but not for epic and scarlet weapon and raven.. you don't need menus on the monitor to operate it but almost any ddi or hdmi monitor you can see them anyways.


    I was simply pointing out that Tyler was attacking a single camera manufacture. when info at all are the same way. even Arri you have to chose which batt. mount you want before hand and they wire it for you.

  10. refers to post # 68


    are you sure your an editor because red files can be edited natively in 98 percent of editing systems most notably every single system you listed

    so your wrong about that .. you should stop telling people that . have fun importing tiff sequences in to final cut

  11. this post refers to post #68




    all your statements are wrong buddy.


    lets start with the first

    BM is not complete all this things you said... EVF, batts , things like that are those "accessory " things you keep talking about and are sold separate by BM or third party like every other camera manufacture and film camera..

    RED does an does not use proprietary Batts. you can use standard Vmount or gold mounts with it . obviously you have no idea what your talking about as you did not even know you could use V mounts with a red.

    so your first statement proven wrong again you don't know what your talking about.



    again you know not what you talk about .. sensors now are like film and the ISO is what they are rated at shooting 800 will not give you grain with proper lighting . If you reduce the ISO in 99 percent of cameras your losing things like DR and quality. so agin your speaking out of term . please no more of that Again you don't use reds so how can you comment on grain . I use them every week Im 100 percent more qualified to speak of the grain if you use the ISO to 250 you image will look worse.. Like rating film below or above its noted ASA




    red has no mandatory accessories . the only one would be media . you can run the rest of the camera with cheap third party accessories like monitors batteries a phone to change all the setting. Again your making arguments and making your mind up with out knowing a lot and your confusing new comers like your self about digital cinematography. Ill say it again there are no mandatory red accessories.. only media .. you can have the camera woking with thousands of third party accessories.


    come to think about it you can use a recorder with red.. so actually you could just buy the brain and thats it from red and everything else to run the camera you could buy separately. you don't know this of but you still make comments about it why? take a step back and realize you don't know a thing about the camera .


    and please don't be mad you can't afford red things thats does not mean you have to bash it ... they are no different then other camera companies in terms of pricing that are in their league.. check out sony's media cards how much they cost...F65 I'm talking. check out how much simple cables and EVF from arri cost.


    Oh yes lets talk about your film days .. looks like you technique of no follow focus , no monitor for clients, directors .did you well because now your on forum giving bad information and sitting at a desk in post . see what happens is in life people grow up and figure out how to do things better. Like a follow focus so that when you focus the lens you don't sake the whole lens and have a shaky image. or its also useful so your AC can pull your focus and you can concentrate on the important things like framing and movement. see if you would have progressed you would figure out that those "must have" things are actually useful and will make better images. or cables so clients and directors cans look at monitors and see the crap your shooting, its not about trust, film making is a team effort and directors , producers, make up artist , VFX people like to be able to give input and not let people do what ever. so please don't refer to them as useless there a good reason for rails and cables


    i mean come on people does any one want to jump in here this guy is saying cables are useless.!! any one


    heres the best line "People shot like this for decades before the industry came up with specialized accessories which are for some reason "must have" or you can't shoot anything." - Tyler


    they also had kids working 15 hour days , no pay , they treated animals like poop, at one point they only had "whites" making movies or doing things on set. should we bring all that back to or do you think we should grow and figure out how to do things better.



    they are not huge issues only to you and most your "huge issues" your clearly wrong about if you read my post. so if your wrong about all that I'm sure your wrong about your fourth statement . possibly you need glasses.. a face accessory .


    do you not think Deakins uses a follow focus or cables? he uses wheels a lot on a JIB to work his camera .. i wonder how he'd see the image with out cables, or an "accessory" like a monitor.


    jeez i wonder how the director will be able to judge performances with out looking at the close ups on the monitor , see the director need to see the monitor using a cable so that the movie turns out good . Id love to see these "movies" you shot with no AC and no director input I'm sure they were great.



    any ways as every ones saying lets get back to the topic at hand I just proved you don't know why your tling about .. i mean I should have just stopped at red cameras can use STANDARD V MOUNTS but i had to go further.


    I can guarantee what ever you write next as with all your posts will be wrong.

  12. haha who complains about accessories.. I hope you realize you need accessories for every camera. compared to Arri reds are cheaper. They have come a long way since red one. Why would people be mad they keep releasing cameras thats what companies do are people mad that apple releases an iPhone every year? Or canon releases cameras more often then any one. should they not release improvements . If you know what our doing and make money from cameras new cameras don't scare those types of people it makes them more money.

  13. oh one more thing try not to insult other film makers movies because they shot on a camera. Tyler said he commented to his fellow peers after seeing am ovie and know it was shot on red and how bad it looked. your pretty much also insulting DAVID MULLEN because he some times chooses red. Im pretty sure what ever film tylerr saw the film makers are laughing at tyler because he's worried about the camera and they having fun maing huge million dollar movies with millions of people enjoying them . have some respect just because your not as successful as them don't bash them for the camera they use. Is tyler saying everything Ive shot on a red is horrible and the alexa stuff is the only good stuff. There goes some of that beautiful david mullen work .

  14. don't be sorry Robin. Tyler has lost his mind. For one he started off saying he's hasn't shot much with the red and does post. and its obvious . . I shoot with both alexa and red so I'm not too partial to either . but for him to even say that about the blackmagic camera and how good it is? he's even saying how good the black magic thats unreleased is he's just looking at specs on a computer screen theres more too it then that the sensor could be 12bits or what ever but look horrible . Ive used the current balck magic thats on release and there is no comparison . He also stated he's more of an ENG guy. thats obvious too he does not understand current digital cameras at all. I mean he gave it away after what he said about the f65. I mean please no one let this guy near a camera if he has never used a red camera before is this the guy you want running the test? the F65 is more complicated I think he won't know what to do with it. he also commented 128bg hold small amount of r3d footage of 3:1 on the card. Hello I guess you never shot with a arri shooting RAW its much worse. Or an F65 do yo know how much space they take up. its crazy because every point you make about other cameras can be said about every camera including the alexa and including film. Also he states to put the camera to the lowest ISO, just goes to show he really does not understand digital cameras or how they are rated. The sensors are like film depending what camera you use the rated ISO will be the best performance not the lowest.

    I mean people are bing nice and don't want to speak up but with every passing post he writes he really does make a fool of himself. I really think that if your going to have an good discussion lets limit his posts or not take them to seriously since you have not shot with the red much but you really speak a lot about it . really docent seem like you’ve shot with any thing new.

    and again sorry but every camera you use needs accessories to work even a film camera. TYLER obviously has no idea about buying cameras new ones / cinema ones . The ALEXA evf which is an "ACCESSORY"costs near 7k more expensive then red so why would he say that . ..what about batts? mounts ? rails? evf cables, on board monitors ?? does tyler consider those accessories ? i hope .. because you need those too to work 98 percent of cameras including his lovely Alexa. which I love and imnot saying anything bad about it just that tylers comerisons don’t amok sense. Lets hoope he brings an assistant for these F65 test he might think he just needs the F65 body and the image will suddenly appear out of thin air , because i guess RED cameras are the ones that need these "ACCESSORIES" all other cameras just work , no batts, no monitors, matte boxes, audio,.

    I have done plenty of perfect keys with red and may cameras even balk magic . I suggest you find new VFX guys. Im sure the HOBBIT which spent close to a billion dollars with all three films and did test would have chose another camera if it would be bad for VFX. So because you had a bad experience with green screen it means the cameras bad and all green screen will be bad. What about my green screen experience ? mine was perfect so what your right and every one is wrong. The film makers actually out there spinning millions and millions and can pick any camera they are wrong and you sitting at your post computer is the guy that know.

    please guys I’m not a red lover or hater but lets be realistic with this Tyler guy I beg.

    sorry for the grammar I wrote this fast and on a phone .

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