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Craig Nichols

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Posts posted by Craig Nichols

  1. I've heard good feedback for Pro8 in LA 818.848.5522. I was told they have a ScanStation. I've not personally done work there https://www.pro8mm.com/collections/scan-film-to-digital

    You might try Prasad in Burbank (818) 861-7611. For highest quality when it has to be done in LA, Cinelicious does a great job on Scanity. They probably also still have a ScanStation. I have no idea about their prices.


    Craig Nichols

    The Packard Humanities Stoa

    BTW - opinions expressed are my own and have no relation to my employer.

  2. I've heard good feedback for Pro8 in LA 818.848.5522. I was told they have a ScanStation. I've not personally done work there https://www.pro8mm.com/collections/scan-film-to-digital

    You might try Prasad in Burbank (818) 861-7611. For highest quality when it has to be done in LA, Cinelicious does a great job on Scanity. They probably also still have a ScanStation. I have no idea about their prices.


    Craig Nichols

    The Packard Humanities Stoa

  3. We have transferred over a million feet of archival nitrate and safety film on Scanity in the past 18 months and have not had significant issues with splices, shrinkage, or warpage. Film has been from early 1900s up to 1970. Scanity uses three separate 96 line TDI cameras. We scan 4k 4300x3324 overscan 16 bit tiffs at 10fps.

    I have seen some very attractive offerings of used machines from time to time.


    Craig Nichols

    Digital Imaging Fellow

    The Packard Humanities Institute - Stoa



    Hi Craig,


    just wondering...Didn't DFT make academy centered film gates for the Spirit2k/4k. I recall considering that when we got our first Spirits.




    Hi Tom,


    Yes, DFT made an academy centered film gate for the Spirit2k/4k. Universal Studios was one of the few facilities who purchased this option. We experimented with metallic air conditioning tape on the underside of S35mm gate block, and this approach was used successfully a few times at Warner Brothers.




  5. The Spirit 4k should not have any problem to capture a complete Super 35mm image. Under the Sizing Data tab on the Spirit 4k panel, are controls for zoom, pan, and tilt. I would suggest trying these. In CCD "test" mode, the 4k can capture 4112 pixels, though I've never seen anyone use this mode for production work. No pixels should be getting cut off on the edges. The Spirit 4k User manual has charts that detail the various format sizes.

    The Scanity film scanner native resolution is 4300 pixels, so It is also capable of overscan like the Xena, Director, or Scan Station.

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