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Scot Myers

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Posts posted by Scot Myers

  1. Hi all. Does anyone have any recommendations as to where to send a Canon Scoopic for a repair or CLA? I also have Sound Scoopic 200 that needs the lens recalibrated as the lens loses focus when zoomed in--plus the old battery is shot. Is Du-All Camera the only remaining place (in America at least)? Thank you!

  2. I am saddened to read about Bernie O'Doherty's passing. I never sent him anything to repair, but he seemed like the go-to guy for camera CLAs and just an all-around positive person--a really sad loss (rest in peace Bernie).

    Are there any other 16mm repair specialists out there that offer a service similar to Bernie's (Super16Inc) Laserbrighten process that brightened ground glass viewfinders? http://super16inc.com/page3.html

  3. I will see if I can take some video of a Vision 3 50D workprint being projected. I noticed Fotokem has once again increased their student prices. <_< Now a one light work print costs $27.50 for each print whereas when I was getting them done just two years ago it was 18 cents a foot. Although if they are willing to prep the rolls by splicing multiple rolls together it could be cheaper. Like if you processed 5 rolls and they spliced them together to make one workprint from that it could theoretically be $27.50 (their pdf says per "print" not per "roll"), but I'm not sure if they would allow that.

    However, negative processing has only went up from 9 cents a foot to 12 cents.

  4. I have never shot the old 100D Ektachrome. I just projected some old ASA 10 Kodachrome from the 40s/50s the other night and holy cow its the sharpest, most colorful film Ive ever seen. I also projected some best light workprints I had made at Fotokem from Vision3 50D (overexposed a stop at 25 to tighten the grain, but processed normally, no pull processing) and I would say that it is the second sharpest 16mm Ive ever projected. 50D has a beautiful color palette, but still cant touch that old Kodachrome look. So I hope this new Ektachrome looks even better than the 50D.


    There are some negative aspects like the lack of exposure latitude and the fact that youre running the original film through the projector.

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