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Ryan Constantino

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Everything posted by Ryan Constantino

  1. Hello there, Im curious if anyone has some recommendations for lighting a backdrop in a studio setting? (I'm still learning a great deal so forgive me if I label something incorrectly!) The set is a 10ft H x 20ft W room in which there are two windows on the far wall. I have looked into renting a backdrop from pacific studios and they have explained to me that this specific rental is a true translight backdrop which needs to be lit from behind. I can see how this would be beneficial as to provide a true luminance for the background. However, my independent research has led me to examples such as the following image album: http://imgur.com/a/pcznW These images seem to show a vinyl backdrop which is lit from the front. My question here is, what methods are suitable for front lit vinyl backdrops and how does that compare to a back lit translight? Would I use the same methods (I.E. Kinos from above) for the translight as the front lit vinyl? Thanks very much for the suggestions! The project I am working on is a short film produced and funded by myself where I can decide how much budget to allocate to various lights etc. Thanks!
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