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Leo Panthera

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Posts posted by Leo Panthera

  1. Thanks alot Dan!

    That was kind of my thought as "real fog" in nature works the same. Good to have that verification! I'll be mostly lighting from the side with a bit of a backlight! Thank you for your tips!


    Don't count on the haze going where you want, if it's proper haze (not fog) it's going to distribute itself pretty uniformly. So count on it being in front of your actors as well and light accordingly. Avoid front lighting your subject as that will just light up the haze. Backlight through haze always looks fantastic, hard to screw that one up. Anything closer to the camera will naturally be less diffused than your background as there is less physical haze separating the two.


    Something else you'll notice is that haze acts as diffusion. I've found that I can use much harder sources than I normally would and it still looks quite nice. Lastly, have somebody babysitting the ambient haze level so shots cut together.



  2. Hey Guys,

    I hope I'm in the right forum to ask these questions, if not, feel free to move the topic!


    So next week I'm gonna shoot a short film set in a dry cleaner at night and to create a more dense atmosphere I'm planning to work with a hazer and fogged up windows. Now since I'm a student and started shooting 1.5 years ago, I haven't really had the chance yet to work with haze, my plan for using and utilizing it is to put it in the depth of the shots while "paddling" it away from the talents, to maintain them in the picture as clear as possible while the background is subtly hazed up. Is that the right approach or should I put a bit of haze infront of the actors as well?


    The other question is about fogged up windows. In a few other topics I read that Mr. David Mullen recommends Arrid Extra Dry to put some mist on the windows, which sounds awesome! But now that I live in Germany unfortunately I've never seen Arrid Extra Dry in any shop and I'm not sure if it would arrive on time If I ordered it now from the U.S..

    So basically my Question here is: Am i simply looking for a powder-based deospray or are there other ingredients that i need to have in mind when gathering some brands for testing it?




  3. Hey Christopher,

    Thanks for your answer! Yeah, I'll most likely go with the more contrasty look, I'll give it a go in the next few weeks to see If this would fit the mood! Right now I'm trying to find out what the best settings for Kino's are in order to be soft enough to wrap into the eyes of the actors (if lit from above) but still maintain a dramatic contrast ratio on their faces. I'll also try working with the fixtures from the ceiling but "fake" a toppish sidelight with mobile kino's on C-stands and see how this turns out.

    Again, thanks for your answer!


  4. Hey Guys!

    I'm going to shoot a shortfilm set in a dry-cleaner's in a bit and am currently looking for inspirational films/scenes that use fluorescent top lighting as key, since i would like to go with fluorescent tubes that are already part of the location as practicals.

    I'm currently looking into "The girl with the dragon tattoo"; "Arrival"; "Fight Club"; "Fallen Angels" etc. to learn how to create dramatic/thrilling scenes through the use of neon/fluorescent light from above.

    (The ceiling of the dry-cleaner's is going to be pretty low, so I don't think I'll be able to hang Chimera Quartz's of any size, my initial idea was going with diffused Kinos or maybe pancakes if there is enough budget for it. I also would be happy about more ideas of Lights to use. I also thought about bouncing light into ultrabounce/musslin/silk attached to the ceiling, I'm not really sure if it's the right characteristic though, so I need to test this in the next few weeks)

    So if you have a few other films on your mind that utilize remarkable top lighting, and of course your own tips/experience regarding working with top-light, I would be glad if you could share them with me!

    I'm also happy about every bit of behind the scenes material of films using this type of lighting!



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