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Matt Moro

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Posts posted by Matt Moro

  1. I've played around with this for a while now. I'm in asia so having to work with what's available out here. I can get a useable image from a Gopro Hero 6 on the viewfinder by switching it to linear, zooming in, and then also zooming in on the monitor. Im using it for a steadicam on a low budget project so that's enough. It's not quite good enough for focus (I'll use measuring tape). I've tried many different optics to improve the quality but you need something so specific you probably have to have it custom fabricated, I've tried many over the course of a week. Gopro is not a great camera for the job, but the time and money it would take to test other cameras doesn't seem worth it imho. It's good enough. I tested cellphones but they are not as easy to mount and position as the gorpo, they don't have a clean live video feed, they can have issues with autofocus, and you can't switch the battery to keep shooting. Theres a issue with the Hero 6 where it doesn't have a 4k live view - the Hero 5 does - so with a 4K monitor and the live feed on a Hero 5 I bet image is great. I wish I had been aware of this hidden downgrade before buying it.

  2. I'm trying to do this on my LTR. I want to make a DIY tap that just runs from the viewfinder. GoPros don't work because the lens is too wide, it needs to be something like 50mm. And work well in low light. I'd love to hear any success stories.

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