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Brendan Fish

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Posts posted by Brendan Fish

  1. Hi guys,


    Just a little question here about the most safetiest way to carry my LaCie 2big Triple Interface


    (2-disk RAID) on my shooting set. I'm looking for something like the Pelican 1200 case but it is


    just a little bit too small.


    Any ideas will be appreciated.






    Hi Jonathan


    I have taken those LaCie drives through Africa in the 1200 pelican cases, so they are pretty damn tough.


    All we did was pull the foam out to be just a little bit smaller than the drive, so it fitted nice and snug. Also it never went into the cargo hold, but flew with me. I treated it just like my camera, cause the last thing you need is some cargo handler tossing it about, cause even in a Peli case, ya never know. If ya don't use the 1200, look at the 1300, its a bit taller and the drive can "stand up".


    Hope it helps



  2. I'VE JUST RECEIVED the wide lens adapter 0,6 for my ex3 and I can't get focus in any configuration... nor macro, nor infinite...


    What could be the problem?


    Is there any trick or Key????



    Hi Ricardo.


    I have used the EX3 quite a bit, and have never had that kind of problem... but i know that there was, and I have had, issues with the EX1, in terms of finding focus both with a W/Angle and without it. Mine would focus wide, but as soon as i zoomed in, and tried to focus on infinity, or anywhere close to the end of the lens it would all just be soft.


    The problem turned out to be something as simple as back focus. So maybe it is as simple as that, and if not.... Time to send it to Sony and say "fix this"


    Hope ya get it sorted



  3. I read this when I first started and is a pretty good start



    Just watch out, if you use half of this stuff people will look at you funny. I think more and more common is to use the actual names of equipment, from the manufacturer. Memorize all of the lights on the Mole Richardson site and all of the grip equipment on the Matthews site. That stuff is everywhere.


    Over a long project with a crew you might start to have nicknames for stuff. I definitely use short hand like book lights, skylights, foot lights, eyelight, etc. but that usually refers to my reasoning for the particular lighting setup.


    Make up new jargon and pretend like everyone else doesn't know what they are taking about. Likewise look out for the old bag of apertures gag... :lol:







    Like the "bag of apetures" line


    I have also heard of being sent to the Grips truck for a "long weight".

    I also heard of a P.A. being sent to the editors for a box of tone and some extra colour bars.


    That has to be one of my favorites ever

  4. "Star Wars" (but the original three) some of the stuff in the Millenium Falcon and even some of the stuff on the star destroyer.


    i got to agrea with Keith about "Firefly". Great show, great look and a super disapointment when the canned it after just 14 eps.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Ive spent about 2 months in a different country 3 times this year. Been crazy for traveling; I feel like I'm gone more than I'm home. I imagine I would feel pretty guilty or at least bad if I had a family.


    Hi, this is actually my first post. So here go's


    I have to agrea with Mike, if you are young with no major family commitments, like me, then its far easier to say yes to those jobs that will take you away from home for weeks or months at a time. So far this year i have spent 4 months in Europe, then back to South Africa for a month then it was travelling for a month into Africa.


    Sometimes its great to get away from home because its an oppertunity to see the world, and its places of the world that most people never get to see, and that you would most likely never see yourself and still get paid to be there.




  6. Haven't seen the movie yet, but baack to the squirerel thing, Saw a MTV "making the movie". They trained 50 (sure thats the number i heard) squirrels from babys, because they have no, suppose it would be called short term memory, they also had to be retrained on set daily, thats just "nuts". Also for a truly great Depp performance, i think he is super cool, and possibly one of the most beatifully shot films, it has to be "Finding Neverland" Am just compleatly in love with that film.


    Brendan :D

  7. Hi,

    You can also pop on to kodak.com, Go to their cinematography section and in it they have a film calculator, which lets you put in the estimated running time of yr film and gives you how many feet will be in it. I think they calculate it at a 1:1 ratio, but then maybe you can just work from there.


    Hope it helps, but then i may be telling you something you already know.



  8. Hi All.


    I cant believe i took me so long to find this site. It's great to find a place where aspiring D.P's can talk to people who are so passionate about making pictures, no matter what the format, be it film, video, HD or whatever is yet to come.


    A bit about me:

    From Johannesburg in sunny South Africa.

    Did 3 yrs at film school, got the degree in cinematography, started as a PA,like everyone else i know, and am finnaly making my move in to the department i love, the Camera Dept.


    Thanks for an awsome site :D

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