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Posts posted by icha7

  1. hi, i'm going to be shooting be soon. It;s a n intimate bar setting where 2 people are sitting on a table talking. I will be having a lamp on the table and want it to look like that this is the only light source, also i want the lamp blown out, going crazy. If this is to happen do i still use a domestic lamp or do i try to get a more powerful one. domestic lamps in australia only go up 60 watts.


    p.s. I will be shooting on minidv '



  2. Hi, I'm a big fan of the Wong Kar Wai and Chris Doyle collaboration and was wondering how Chris Doyle achieves the look to their films such as Happy Together and In the Mood for Love. The question may seem general but how the colours contrast and blow out into different colours and so forth interest me. I await your responses. thx

  3. Well, I have the dv500 available to me but was looking around to see what i can use. The dv500 is available in my film skool as well as pd150s. As th general look of the dv500 is too 'glossy' or too 'tv' i was looking around to see what other cameras i can use and to compare the dv500 with other cameras to see where it falls short. Thx for ur reply

  4. Hi, I was wondering for movies such as breaking the waves, dancer in the dark and dogville what kind of make and type cameras or filters lars von trier used for them. I've noticed that the visual aesthetics differ from normal 3ccd consumer cameras or even some prosumer triple chips

  5. hi,


    thx for the reply, well the place is a bar, and its night time shoot. it is probably 20metres by 20 metres if not bigger. So far there is only natural light, whcih are lamps, candles and what not. The look i'm going for is a wong kar wai sorta look, like i guess a colour noir sorta look, where the mood is abit noir without the contrast between shadows and light i guess. It sorta has a mood of a nice intimate jazz bar, colours of red, yellow and green covering the room.

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