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Seppe Van Grieken SBC

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About Seppe Van Grieken SBC

  • Birthday 10/02/1983

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  • Specialties
    Narrative, short and long form.

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About Me

Originally from Belgium, I have been moving around quite a bit, shooting in China, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Italy, the US, and the UK. While based in Beijing (2008-2014) I worked on indie films, as well as commercial cinema, collaborating with directors like Yuan Woo-Ping and Keanu Reaves, alongside indie director Sam Voutas and documentary directors duo Jennifer Baichwal and Edward Burtinsky.


After getting a master degree in Sinology from University of Leuven, I attended the Beijing Film Academy’s advanced photography course. I was then employed by VRT, Belgian’s national broadcaster, for whom I covered high profile Asian news events such as the 2012 Myanmar by-elections, and the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami.


Through various commercial, documentary and short film assignments I eventually found fiction film was my true passion. Focusing the efforts I went on to shoot Sam Voutas’ festival hit ‘King Of Peking’, allowing us to travel to various international film festivals and opening some doors to commercial film makers in China. In 2017 this lead to my role as DP on the Mandarin Film Production of Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy - a 28 million US dollar action movie, directed by Hong Kong action legend Yuen Woo-Ping.


My main ambition however lies with arthouse cinema; films about relatable characters ; Collaborating

with creative people in London, Belgium and China, I hopes to help tell great stories about the fascinating
times we live in.

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