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adam bobroy

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Posts posted by adam bobroy

  1. I've learned so much in the last few years and continue to learn each day. Most of the time i'm very critical of my work but know that I have some decent talent and need to keep growing at every opportunity. Coming from a background of no proper "film school" education and more self taught in editing, filming, and lighting / and getting onto sets as a PA / Camera OP or running my own smaller scale gigs with different clients I've learned so much and have so much more to learn but that's the fun of it right?


  2. I've learned so much in the last few years and continue to learn each day. Most of the time i'm very critical of my work but know that I have some decent talent and need to keep growing at every opportunity. Coming from a background of no proper "film school" education and more self taught in editing, filming, and lighting / and getting onto sets as a PA / Camera OP or running my own smaller scale gigs with different clients I've learned so much and have so much more to learn but that's the fun of it right?


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