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Marek Vesely

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Posts posted by Marek Vesely

  1. It's a tough thing. There are SR3s selling for $11-14K over on Facebook groups. You can't really look at an eBay listing for an LTR at $16K and think it is a relevant figure in any way. That camera just won't sell. I'm definitely not saying your price is outrageous or something.. but overall it is getting harder and harder to sell 16mm cameras after the crazy price bubble popped at the end of last year. Prices are going down, the demand is going down. It is going to be interesting where this ends. I hope you will find a new home for your beautiful, rebuilt LTR soon ??

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  2. Hey guys! I'm one of the Jason's customers from Europe and I've been using his crystal sync controller for my Super 16 Bolex EL since September! I've now shot over 4000ft of film in my 400ft magazines with his crystal sync and I just couldn't be happier with the product. I have the removable cable version of the sync box, custom made right-angle cable for the EL (also from Jason!) and I also made an acrylic side plate for my EL where I can just stick the box onto the camera with special 3M velcro tape. Really awesome setup! You can see it how it looks on this image:


    I've never had a single out-of-sync situation with Jason's box after these 4000ft of film! Not a single speed warning. I also own the original Bolex sync box for the EL and I had so many issues (I thought for a moment that my camera is broken) with keeping the motor at 24/25fps. It often ran much faster after 30 seconds of filming with the original Bolex sync-box. 

    I shot this sort of a test-project / music video with my factory converted S16 EL and Jason's STL-24 crystal sync in September (all shot at 25fps because of practical lighting here in EU). This can give you an idea how well the crystal works. ? You can watch it in 4K right here: 

    So at 300USD I think this is absolutely necessary piece of gear for EBM and EL owners when you basically can't get the original Tobin one nowadays. You can 100% rely on these on professional projects and film sets. Jason did not tell me to write this but I just wanted to let you know that these new STL-24 crystal boxes are out there and working on film sets! ? + Jason is just awesome to communicate with and offers extremely fast world-wide shipping. 

    Happy New Year!!

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  3. On 10/5/2022 at 10:49 AM, Volker Bendt said:

    For Bolex you should also consider the Switar 10mm with Aspheron lens, which will give you 5,5mm without distortion.

    No experience with the older Switar, but the preset series fully covers S-16even with the Aspheron.


    Not true at all. The 5.5mm Aspheron doesn't cover S16 at all. You need about 10% zoom to clear the vignette. And that's with the latest multicoted 10mm and Aspheron. 

  4. I'm 99% certain it doesn't cover Super 16 completely. Just as the 10mm Kern Switar doesn't cover S16. If you are fine with small falloff in the corners, you should be good.

    It's the same story as with the Switar. Some people claim it covers S16 and some say it doesn't. Reality is that it doesn't cover properly but most people are fine with the small corner falloff so they say it's fine.

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  5. Hi fellow cinematographers,

    I'm looking for the (somewhat hard to find) 26mm Kern Switar Preset lens in the final black version with multicoated glass. I need the optics to be in a good shape but body doesn't matter that much. I desperately need to complete my lens set.


    I'm looking for anyone that has this lens but I'd prefer to buy from someone in Europe/EU (that would be perfect!) or the UK. But I'm open to discussing importing it from US as well. 

    Please message me here on the forums so we can eventually discuss the sale in more detail.

    Thank you very much for any leads on this! 


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