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Jefta Varwijk

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Posts posted by Jefta Varwijk

  1. On 2/4/2020 at 12:01 PM, Stephen Perera said:

    Presenting my rare......apparently, and peculiar...certainly....Aaton XTR XC for those that have not been bored by me enough......now I can post images again by becoming a sustaining member here she is....I bought it over the XTR Prod cos it has no electronics...I figured the less there are the longer it will work with no problems. Standard 16mm format.

    As a Hasselblad photographer I like composing in this format and its looking like its in fashion......I looked into changing to S16 not knowing any better but decided to stay in standard 16 format. 

    Apparently this is the camera one would take to the jungle and such like inhospitable parts of earth etc as back up in case the other ones had problems. The extended viewfinder I have (not in image) was owned by Michael Palin's camera guy and its been to the most extreme places on earth too!


    what mount is it?

  2. On 3/15/2023 at 2:21 AM, Boris Kalaidjiev said:

    Hi everyone,

    I have an upcoming project with the A-Minima and I have two main questions if you guys can help me out. 

    1) We are shooting in Malaysia so there isn't a lab here anymore and it's a bit complicated with the core because the camera that we're renting only has about 10-15. That means we might need to re-wind film on to the cores ourselves and after we've shot on them to take the film off and put it on regular 16mm spools. This way i guess we can keep re-using the A-Minima cores and not send them to the lab. 

    How difficult is it to do all of this? 


    2) How bad is the BW Video tap in low light? If for-instance you had to put a 7stops ND (2.1) for outdoors would it be very bad? I am asking because I will mainly be relying on the Video Tap for framing because I wont be able to look through the viewfinder for this shoot.

    Is it possible to attach a small camera for instance a GoPro or something to the viewfinder? I have a GoPro that comes originally with a C-Mount, I don't know if that could be of any help. 


    Thanks a lot!!

    Perhaps a firmly attached iphone could do?

  3. On 4/5/2023 at 12:25 PM, Boris Kalaidjiev said:


    Has anyone clipped on NDs on Zeiss Super Speed MKIII (S16). The front lens diameter is 80mm and I am trying to find a solution for small ND filters to clip onto the lens (circular ones). Will 82mm work or do you think it might vignette on the 9.5mm lens from the set? 

    I know there is 95mm clamp-on adapter but 95mm filters are also harder to find.

    I found this link but not sure if it will works. 




    Hi Boris, 

    i sometimes put circular vnd on s16 mk2’s, 9,5mm will vignette a tad. 

    i think the only way to have a (v)nd on the 9,5 without vignette, you could use a clamp on mattebox, and remove the hood, like so: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dofkrppz60ppmc8/2023-04-30 12.52.11-1.jpg?dl=0 this is a polar pro with the hood removed. 

    i use a RAF camera clamp, for each of my (4) mk2 superspeeds and then I can use 77mm (v)nd’s , with the 9,5 vignetting slightly. Picture of my 25mm with a RAF adapter and attached a 77mm vnd: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uclg5mvgwps1k4c/2023-04-30 12.52.11.jpg?dl=0 i taped the raf adapter for a better fit with my 87mm to mattebox clamp. The clamp i use is a more basic one, i’ve put some tape on the superspeed, you screw down with the adapter on the tape and its pretty tight and snugg on there. 

    My only way to have 9,5 not vignette is to not use a raf 77mm clamp adapter, and just clamp a 80mm adapter ring directly to the front of the lens a use a hoodless polarpro mattebox for the nd. the profile and weight are still quite limited with this setup, usable for steadicam/gimbal work. 

    polar pro is not THE vnd mattebox i’d recommend probably, there is a bright tangarine out there that does the same but a bit betterc for a similar price. 






  4. On 11/2/2022 at 4:45 PM, Niels kakelveld said:

    Some time ago I shot a club with pretty dark but varied lighting in Super 8 with my Canon 1014 Electronic Auto Zoom.

    The meter was all the way to f1,4 at the dance floor sequences so I am pretty pleased it turned out reasonable.

    The blue grain is a bit troublesome though, so I wonder if using 250D and pushing it 1 or two stops would have been better than 500t in this case?

    I don't know what club lighting is usually balanced to, tungsten or daylight?

    Here is an ungraded sample:


    So a late reply here but, i’d go 500t without push but get a dpx scan. Push -and i’ve pushed quite a bit- i feel is better if you want to make film feel more like film. 500t can sometimes be just very very beautiful, and clean (when scanned and graded right). 

    I also did a club-film test setting of sorts, see https://vimeo.com/750146954/ab163375d9 (not a perfect grade btw)

    Light-temp i wouldnt worry about, just shoot it, and 500t will give you most. combining it with 1.3 type lenses should just about get you there. 

    i also recognise the blue noise. That’s a tungsten balance thing bút also something that with the right grade, doesnt really need to be there when treated right. Key (in my mind) is push the blacks a tad, go doooown with the mids and do whatever with the highs.

    my 2 cents. 


  5. On 12/19/2022 at 12:52 PM, Jonathan Martin said:


    I have been shooting with a Bolex for years and am now looking for a silent 16 or S16 camera.

    My preference would be for an Aaton XTR or LTR, although I could gladly go for another model depending on price and availability.

    I'm based in the South of France so looking preferably in France and neighbouring countries, including UK.



    not sure if the LTR will be quiet. XTR a bit more so.

  6. Hi all, I'm still looking for an Aaton A-Minima to buy, from the EU.
    I'm a director/DP from NL, looking to buy preferably in NL, BE, DE, FR and DK.
    I'm a very happy user of a XTR but for some film-art projects and my particular style, I need the smaller formfactor to shoot a more poetic style.
    I shoot 16 about once every two months, and am looking to own/operate a minima as my go-to camera for years to come.

    I have a project for a film-art installation coming up the next spring,

    My latest work is shot digital, because i couldnt get my xtr package small enough to shoot this poetic documentary style: 

    Some of my s16 work:

    Want to get a minima to a warm home where it'll be used quite a bit? Please get in touch!

    My phone number:
    +31 (0) 6 5106 9179

    Screenshot 2022-12-09 at 16.14.48 kopiëren.jpg
    picture: teaser for a theatre troupe in Rural NL (Mestmoeders by Peergroup)

  7. On 4/5/2022 at 5:37 PM, Omar Tarek Alarian said:

    Hi Dear, 

    I have more than one 435es 

    The prices are incredible. 

    please email me to send all the details. 


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