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Mikael Lemercier

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Posts posted by Mikael Lemercier

  1. Hello

    I just got off a feature and remembered during prep that we had these registration charts used in France. You shoot the first passage after lining up the crosshairs of the chart, flip the chart upside down, line up the crosshairs again and shoot the second passage. The results are checked by the sequenced curved pattern which would form a straight line due to the 2 passages.

    My question is, the last copy of the chart was sent back to France with the gear and am wandering if anyone has one in hand that they can post or access over the net.




    Hi Yuka,

    This is the link where you can order one, so I don't know where you can get one on the net.

    mire fixité cst.

    Anyway you can also use this chart it's works fine too :) screw it about 45° for the 2nd passage.


  2. I've done tests recently for a commercial I did, and I will upload the test footage on my website soon. There you can see the effects of streaking at all angles of mistiming, from 0 degrees to 180 degrees.

    Hi Adam,

    I like your commercial. I'm curious about your tests, wich camera did you used for it?



  3. I think shooting with the cameras shutter out of phase creates a vertical streaking effect, caused by highlights burning a line up the negative as the film is pulled down whilst still being exposed. Cant be dont with all cameras but im pretty sure any 435 is capable of it. Correct me if I'm wrong?

    hi Emmett

    that's it! have you got some others examples of pictures?


    The most famous examples are: the opening battle of "Saving Private Ryan", the appearance of the sniper near the end of "Full Metal Jacket", and there's a fist fight in the auto factory in "Minority Report" that used it briefly as I recall.

    Hi David,

    thank you for the examples.


    The later 435 cameras can be set to mistime the shutter electronically. The 435extreme can do just about everything but make expresso.


    hi Mitch,

    you 're right about 435, and with the 435es (without mistiming eprom) you can just running one motor of your choice( shutter or mouvment).



  4. hi David,

    out of phase, i mean miss timing between shutter and mouvment, using on arri 435 or Panavision XL.

    i'm curious to see the effects during the shoot. do you have already use it?



  5. Hi,

    does someone get some example of shoot with out of phase during the take?

    or any tips about where i can see some example (movies, commercial, website...)



  6. hi Ozzball,

    7231(very good latitude) is a good deal for your project, use a pan glass(contrast viewing glass for B&W) for a best result(making a great light).

    If your light meter doesn't say anything and you can see something through your pan glass, don't worry shoot.



  7. hi Peter,

    old style:you can reach the silver look by using b&w filters, with just 3 of them, for exemple dark yellow(15) with tungsten lights interior, green(11) outside with nature landscape and yellow green(13) with urban shoot....


    more ideas for test.




    or digital way by color neg over exposed, desatured colors...


    Inspired by the russian film, I use b&w negative film, filter, and I play with lights (the sun, color temperature of lamps)and jelly.


    kindest regards.


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