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Scott Fritzshall

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Posts posted by Scott Fritzshall

  1. ...maybe.. it just could be Scott... that the veil is being lifted and the American people are now seeing the truth about our President (as evidenced by the mass of people who marched on Washington) and they are calling him on his moves?... Maybe?

    No, none of the Tea Party people voted for him in the first place and all of them already thought he was a Communist Fascist Muslim Atheist who was born in Kenya. They're incoherently mad because someone they didn't vote for is in the White House and because ethnic minorities now appear to have more of a say in who gets elected than they do. They're mad about the tax increases that don't exist and they don't want socialist medicine in their Medicare.


    If anyone is being disillusioned currently it's the left.

  2. Also, how many more times is Obama going to have to reneg on every slightly progressive promise he made before you admit that he's basically a pretty conservative president who just happens to be black and a Democrat? Every time he says something like "we're going to start treating homosexuals like equal human beings," he has his DoJ defend the Defense of Marriage Act by comparing homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality. Every time you insist that he's engineering a government takeover of healthcare, he proposes a plan with a crippled public option that would cover less than 5% of the population. Every time he hates America because he sat in church with a guy who talked (correctly) about how 9/11 was the direct result of our foreign policy, he increases the defense budget, escalates war against Afghanistan, and makes virtually no effort to actually close Guantanamo. Every time he talks about how we're not going to torture people anymore and is accused of wanting to destroy America, his actual actions do nothing to close black sites or end extraordinary rendition, and in fact now he introduces the concept of "preventative detainment" to continue to imprison prisoners who have been found innocent. Right now he's talking about reforming regulation of the financial industry and I'm pretty sure that Beck is going to call him a communist for it and you're going to agree with that, but in actuality he waited until the urgency has dissipated, none of the regulations he's proposing would have prevented the collapse last year, and he's going to end up compromising on even that to a set of new laws that essentially have no effect. And every time you waste your time crying about how some guy he hired to oversee an inherently Capitalistic department is a communist, he's giving out tax cuts because Republicans asked for it.


    You're whining about stupid, irrelevant crap because if you actually looked at anything meaningful that he's doing and not just saying, you'd have to realize that he's actually doing stuff that you approve of and you wouldn't be able to sustain this ridiculous idea that you're being persecuted because you lost an election. The only things I can think of offhand that Obama is doing that is more liberal than what McCain would have done is that he's not actively trying to provoke war with Iran (watch me be proven wrong in the next year) and that he's apparently not going to prevent states from having medical marijuana stores. Oh, and that he's allowing Holder to attempt to prosecute people from the previous administration for breaking the law w/r/t tortute, but that's also not going to end in anything meaningful beyond maybe sending some lackeys to jail.


    So at what point will you admit that he's basically doing what a Republican president would do except that he's slightly less hawkish and slightly less anti-intellectual?

  3. Yeah basically you're required to pay the insurance companies, and if you can't afford what they want to charge you, then tax money fills in the gap. So basically everyone in the country will be subsidizing the insurance industry's profits. You also won't be allowed to chose the public option if your employer offers you coverage, even if it's really awful coverage. The "public option" is being set up to be as weak as possible, so that as few people as possible are able to use it, and so that it won't offer any real competition to the insurance companies because that would be unfair.

  4. You're going to have better luck with a camera rig than by warping your images. The rig you're looking for is something similar to the "Crazy Horse" rig that was used in 300. You can also look at Ocula from The Foundry as far as stereo image tools go, but I don't know if it will fit your needs and it's going to be really processing-intensive and it's probably never going to look like what you want it to- at least not automatically. Also make sure your cameras are genlocked when you shoot.

  5. 50 million? Are you crazed? ... more disinformation! About 12 million are here illegally. Another huge percentage are younger folks who are simply gambling that they will not need medical attention so opt to not have insurance and another HUGE percentage simply enjoy their large homes and nice cars and have those as their priority instead of healthcare so give us a break. You must get you numbers from that News Station.. what was it?... oh yeah... MSLSD. Most thinking people refuse to revamp an entire system for less than 10% of the population. Yes there needs to be some changes but giving it all to the Govn't is insane. Do you offer free healthcare to illegal aliens in Canada? We would all do well to go back and read our Constitution and kick many rights and responsibilities back to individual States. If we were able to buy health insurance across State lines that alone would do a tremendous service toward creating competition and lowering the cost(s).

    The number of uninsured is the same regardless of how much you try to minimize it. Undocumented immigrants still need healthcare just like the rest of us, and our failure to cover them actually ends up costing us more money. They, like the rest of the uninsured, end up using emergency rooms for primary care, which ends up raising the costs for the rest of us. The remainder of the uninsured tend to be the young and the poor.


    By "MSLSD" I'm assuming you're referring to MSNBC? The same "liberal" network that regularly gives everyone's favorite racist grandpa Pat Buchanan airtime and treats him as though his opinion was worthwhile? The same Pat Buchanan that just this week published an article defending Hitler? Just checking.


    You bring up the Constitution for the second time, again without any specific reference. Again I'll remind you of Article I, Section 8, which explicitly permits Congress to levy taxes to provide for the welfare of the nation.


    The idea of allowing people to purchase private insurance across state lines is an utterly horrible one. We already tried this with Credit Cards. Banks issuing credit cards used to be limited by the laws of the states that their customers lived in, until we changed that law. Almost immediately, every credit card company moved to the state with the loosest laws, and begun to charge usurious interest rates to everyone in the country. Why exactly would this not happen with insurance providers? Some state will want more tax revenue, so they'll drop all of their regulatory laws, which will entire every insurance company to move there. Then they'll jack up the prices and provide even less care, for everyone in the country, because there is no longer anyone stopping them.


    For the most part.,that is true here in the US as well.
    It is substantially not true. Millions of people, including many who are technically insured, cannot afford health care, and so they avoid necessary treatment. There was a huge event pretty close to me last month where doctors filled a stadium and gave free treatment to thousands. People lined up for days in order to get treatment for conditions which they've had for years, which they had been unable to have treated because they could not afford it.
  6. Uh, yeah, hence the word free in quotes, we pay for it with our taxes. That's what the quotes imply.



    TAXES??? You poor, oppressed thing. Here in the US, we cut taxes all the time! And then we wonder why we have have crumbling infrastructure, no social safety net, little available health care, etc. Reagan told us that we could have something for nothing though, so we got rid of all that stuff., Instead, we put our tax dollars where they belong- into the pockets of billionaires and into the defense industry so that they can blow up impoverished brown people and develop multi-billion dollar weapons to fight enemies that haven't existed in decades. And, of course, into top-secret illegal wiretapping programs to spy on us. We would never spend money on giving people health care though, that's just Orwellian (we read 1984 in high school but forgot most of it, it was about the horrors of the government paying for your operations, though, right?).

  7. I also just saw this somewhere else and thought it was probably an accurate reflection of your mindset:

    This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US Department of Energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the FCC-regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US Department of Agriculture-inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.


    At the appropriate time as regulated by the US Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school.


    After work, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to a house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department.


    I then log on to the Internet which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration and post on freerepublic.com and Fox News forums to express my rage at the possibility of a public health care plan, because the government can't do anything right.

  8. Richard, why are you failing to mention the death panels? All Canandians must appear before a death panel each time they want to see their doctor or have a medical procedure performed, in order to determine if they're a productive enough citizen deserving of receiving care. If not, they're told that they'll just have to die! I know this is true because both Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have said so, and they also said that anyone who says otherwise is being paid by Obama to spread lies. Why aren't you telling the truth about how no one in Canada is able to receive health care after they turn 65 because they're no longer valuable? The truth must be told!

  9. Rasmussen has been noted as being kind of a "take this with a grain of salt" kind of organization, although to be fair most of the pollsters have been dodgy at one point or another. The thing with polls is that you've really got to check the methodology and the questions they're actually asking, because I've definitely seen some Rasmussen polls that asked incredibly leading questions. This particular poll seems pretty straightforward in its questioning, however, so I can't really find fault with it. And honestly, given the climate of the last few weeks, I don't find the results surprising in the least. There are a whole hell of a lot of people who are really angry about healthcare reform. The problem is that they're angry at things that aren't even part of any of the proposed bills, like "death panels," "rationing," "government takeover of healthcare," "loss of choice of doctors," etc.

  10. My understanding is that there are a bunch of hypothetical bills floating around, and that a few groups are trying to synthesize them into something that will eventually be voted on. Whatever ends up coming out is pretty much guaranteed to be absolute garbage, and it's going to end up making things a lot worse.


    I theoretically agree with you on the issue that it's a pretty big problem that congress doesn't tend to read bills before voting on them, but I think it's really amusing to hear it coming from conservatives given that they seem to be pretty highly in favor of the PATRIOT act, which was an even more sweeping bill that was also like 1000 pages long, which was passed before anyone had read it. It's also pretty amusing that the ones who have actually read any of the current bills seem to wildly (and purposely?) misinterpret things like "allows for voluntary end-of-life counseling" into "mandates death panels."

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