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N DeWood

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Posts posted by N DeWood

  1. Hello Scott,


    You can easily synch sound recorded from a MiniDV camera to your film. I used the markers feature in FCP to synch the slate recorded on film with the slate's sound recorded on the Canon XL2.


    I am assuming here that you're finishing on video, and not film. I've done several shoots with an Arri SR and an XL2 Camera. Another bonus and if location space allows, the video camera can record all of the behind scenes action, and that can be a good learning experience.


    Make sure to bring long XLR cables if you're not going wireless. Sometimes crammed spaces require that the video camera be placed in another room, so you want to make sure the boom has enough leeway. Also, make sure to bring extra long extension cords for your headphones. Very important.


    Hope that helps.




    I have a shoot coming up on Monday that is an extremely low-budget affair. The sound guy was going to use a DAT recorder but suddenly it decided just today that it wanted to stop functioning properly. As an alternative we tossed around the idea of using a Sony PDX-10 DVCAM camera to record sound with because it has XLR inputs and we have access to one. However, I'm wondering if this is a viable alternative for synch sound?


    I apologize for asking a sound question in a cinematography forum, but I'm desperately in need of an answer and I know that there are a ton of smart people here, some that may have actually tried this approach before.



  2. I'll say what I want.


    Poor Garth, he finds me tone offensive! Sorry boy, didn't mean to heart your little bitty feelings.


    It's all good buddy! Best of luck. ;)





    I never used the word HATE in my post, Do all Arabs hate Jews ? Shame on you .


    Please do not use the term Zionists any more in your posts, this is not a negative word and I find your tone offensive .


    Thank You .


    Gareth Munden

  3. Garth,


    Your post begs this question. Do Arabs or Muslims hate the Zionists just because they're Arabs? Or do Arabs hate the Zionists because of decades of brutal occupation of the Palestinian people, and the displacement and disenfranchisement of millions?


    If I had to guess, I'd say it's the second. Why? Before 1948, there was no Israel, and there was no Arab Israeli conflict. There was no "terrorism," the type everyone is so concerned about. As a matter fact it's civilized Europe that almost exterminated the Jews.


    Finally, your examples of shortcomings of Arabs and Muslims in Bosnia and Lebanon do not justify decades of military occupation of the Palestinians. But since you brought it up, here's my answer.


    1. The Bosnia issue: None of the Arab countries have the military might to change the course of Muslims there. Also, the Bosnia issue was not really a Muslim issue, but rather a civil war in that country, that took on a violent clash between ethnic muslim Bosnians and Orthodox Serbs. Islam like Christianity spans the globe, and you cannot lump Bosnians with Arab Muslims, and make a sweeping statement like that. Darfur is yet another example of this type of conflict.


    2. As for Syria's occupation in Lebanon, remember, there was and is still a country called Lebanon. Yes, many Lebanese resented Syria's influence, but they were still a sovereign country, and it's people could move about, and travel freely. They had their own currency, government, passports, etc. Also, Syria's unacceptable influence was supported by many Lebanese nationals, including the Lebanese shias. Even the current president Ehoud is a Syrian supporter!


    Finally, you so conveniently forget this: The Syrian government did not build settlements on the land of Lebanese. It does not nilly willy throw thousands of Palestinians in jails, and cut off roads betwee the south and north of the country. It doesn't control the ports, the sea, and the air of Lebanon. Huge difference! The U.S., even when it invaded Iraq, did not send people from California to confiscate land, deny Iraqis their citizenship, and create massive settlements by claiming it was their Biblical land.


    As for the Nigeria incident, that's a criminal and dysfunctional social issue in Nigeria. Once again Western media loves to associate anything negative with the religion of Islam, instead of viewing it as a criminal or social problem.


    Why don't you mention the over 1 million chinese girls every year who are destroyed at birth because they are girls, and their parents need prefer boys. Please don't get me started with the horrific social problems in this world, including the abuse of millions of women and children yearly right here in the U.S.


    And Gareth, what did that have to do with the brutal occupation that you just forgot?


    Nick Woods.




    The problem here is that generations of children are being born in squalid conditions, in refugee camps while the whole world including China and India are rising quickly. As we speak there ar e millions of Palestinians who are in refugee camps who cannot go back.



    A lot of what you say is truth, after all you are just passing on some facts.


    BUT Islamic murder can not be put at the feet of Israel and Israel alone, we hear from these madman how they wish to destroy Israel. Kill every ZIONIST.

    You seem to have made up your mind that Israel is to blame for the terror that the world has seen.


    Some Muslims say that they must fight as one against the common enemy of Israel and the USA that are killing and destroying the lives of fellow Muslims. But where were the Islamic armies to stop the killing in Bosnia ? , where were the terror attacks against Syria's occupation of Lebanon ?.


    As I have said before Arab leader use Israel and the west as a uniting force to focus hate away from their dictator leaders. Now I not saying that everything that Israel has made mistakes and some Very poor judgment in dealing with their Muslim cousins .


    Does Israeli "occupation" account for what is happening in Africa and the far east ?

    The murder in Nigeria ( remember Miss World a last year ) , the killings in Darfur .

    No it does not Nick, or maybe you think it does ?

  4. Hello TSM,


    This is clearly a very difficult issue that no one will ever agree on.


    Until this brutal and inhumane occupation ends, you are guaranteed terrorism.


    I am going to repeat this again because people's memory is as short as the last post.


    1. There was no Hamas before the Israelis' created it as a militant Islamic organization in the late 1980s to counter the more secular PLO.

    2. There was no Hizbollah before the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982..

    3. There was no PLO before the Israeli brutal military occupation starting 1967.

    4. There was no Bin Laden or Al Qaida befor they were created by the CIA to destroy the Soviets during their invasion of Afghanistan. Pit Bulls tend to be difficult to control once they are unleashed you know.


    Even your famous prime minister Menachem Begin was a terrorist according to the British when the Jews were trying to create their homeland.


    Finally, as former Prime Minister Barak once admitted, had he been born a Palestinian, he ?would have joined a terrorist organization.? Bill Maxwell, ?U.S. Should Reconsider Aid to Israel,? St. Petersburg Times, December 16, 2001


    Anyway, none of this matters. To each his own. Keep supporting the occupation TSM. And I don't mean this in a sarcastic manner.




    Nick Woods.


    And Nick..


    ""I hear many here talking so offensively about Islam as a violent and a women hating religion. For god's sake, quit this ignorant and racist attitude about Islam and Arabs.""


    Women are still subjected to beatings (or worse) if they're caught revealing skin in many areas of the world.

    I imagine the majority of Muslim women wear Burkhas and long robes because the choose to, but there are places on your planet where they don't have a choice.


    BTW, do you know what the "Child Martyr" ritual is? It's more commonplace than you'd think.


    ""(Islam) is a religion of love and peace. Read Jesus' and Moses' real teachings, you will be wondering where today's problems come from.""


    Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is guilty of having violent, hate inducing passages if taken literaly. If we ever want a peaceful world, all religions should be taken with a grain of salt.


    ""Focus on the brutal and unjust occupation that is going on as we speak in Palestine. Terrorism is only a symptom of this cancer that no one wants to treat or consider. They do so because everyone is afraid of being accused of being an "anti-semite," which is simply not the case. Bad people exist in every religion, period. And this is not to excuse the violent behavioral response of occupied people against civilians in restaurants, buses and parks.""


    That's just plain stupid. You prove time and time again that you have no knowledge of this region and furthermore, it's pretty obvious which "side" you're on.


    IMO, and I might be insane, blowing yourself up at a dance club killing dozens of innocent Israeli teenagers , blowing yourself up in crowded markets, buses, bus stations, trains, train stations, skyscrapers, civilian checkpoints, restaurants, bread lines, elementary schools, theaters -- ALL ON PURPOSE is a lot more "brutal" than anything the US or Israel has done in the past 6 years to the Arab world to the best of my knowledge.


    Sure, Israel had Baruch Goldstein. He was a right wing nut that opened fire inside of a mosque killing 29 innocent Muslims. And the US had Tim McVeigh.


    Hmm.. I can't seem to think of any other American or Israeli terrorists. Oh wait.. there was the DC sniper.


    (Please don't list the Bush administration or Tony Blair as "terrorists" because their middle Eastern counterparts are a hell of a lot worse and you know it)


    Oh, and by the way, Seattle's Jewish Federation was attacked today (one women killed - five wounded) and Iran's president has officially outlawed the use of Western words, including "pizza" and "chat". A pizza in Iran is now known as an "elastic loaf".







    RE: ""So, not only deceitful propaganda but also video piracy now qualify as legitimate news under the "freedom of speech" umbrella, as long as you're paying off the right authorities? As I suspected, the whole system is rotten to the core... it's beginning to appear that OBL has been right all along.""


    Two planes destroy the WTC. The man behind the attacks (still hiding in caves) wages an all out war on Western values, Israel and practically everything decent and modern under the son -- yet some of you would rather put your blame on Bush, Blair and Fox news.

  5. And Nick..


    ""I hear many here talking so offensively about Islam as a violent and a women hating religion. For god's sake, quit this ignorant and racist attitude about Islam and Arabs.""


    Women are still subjected to beatings (or worse) if they're caught revealing skin in many areas of the world.

    I imagine the majority of Muslim women wear Burkhas and long robes because the choose to, but there are places on your planet where they don't have a choice.


    BTW, do you know what the "Child Martyr" ritual is? It's more commonplace than you'd think.


    ""(Islam) is a religion of love and peace. Read Jesus' and Moses' real teachings, you will be wondering where today's problems come from.""


    Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is guilty of having violent, hate inducing passages if taken literaly. If we ever want a peaceful world, all religions should be taken with a grain of salt.


    ""Focus on the brutal and unjust occupation that is going on as we speak in Palestine. Terrorism is only a symptom of this cancer that no one wants to treat or consider. They do so because everyone is afraid of being accused of being an "anti-semite," which is simply not the case. Bad people exist in every religion, period. And this is not to excuse the violent behavioral response of occupied people against civilians in restaurants, buses and parks.""


    That's just plain stupid. You prove time and time again that you have no knowledge of this region and furthermore, it's pretty obvious which "side" you're on.


    IMO, and I might be insane, blowing yourself up at a dance club killing dozens of innocent Israeli teenagers , blowing yourself up in crowded markets, buses, bus stations, trains, train stations, skyscrapers, civilian checkpoints, restaurants, bread lines, elementary schools, theaters -- ALL ON PURPOSE is a lot more "brutal" than anything the US or Israel has done in the past 6 years to the Arab world to the best of my knowledge.


    Sure, Israel had Baruch Goldstein. He was a right wing nut that opened fire inside of a mosque killing 29 innocent Muslims. And the US had Tim McVeigh.


    Hmm.. I can't seem to think of any other American or Israeli terrorists. Oh wait.. there was the DC sniper.


    (Please don't list the Bush administration or Tony Blair as "terrorists" because their middle Eastern counterparts are a hell of a lot worse and you know it)


    Oh, and by the way, Seattle's Jewish Federation was attacked today (one women killed - five wounded) and Iran's president has officially outlawed the use of Western words, including "pizza" and "chat". A pizza in Iran is now known as an "elastic loaf".







    RE: ""So, not only deceitful propaganda but also video piracy now qualify as legitimate news under the "freedom of speech" umbrella, as long as you're paying off the right authorities? As I suspected, the whole system is rotten to the core... it's beginning to appear that OBL has been right all along.""


    Two planes destroy the WTC. The man behind the attacks (still hiding in caves) wages an all out war on Western values, Israel and practically everything decent and modern under the son -- yet some of you would rather put your blame on Bush, Blair and Fox news.

  6. Hello Paul,


    There is no such Arabic word as "Jihadists." Jihad does not mean "Holy War." I speak the language fluently. Jihad is a nice word for "inner struggle," period. NO exception. It has no English equivalent. The name Jihad is very popular in the Middle East for both boys and girls. Also, although "holy war" is a common term in the West, it does not translate well to Arabic, and therefore it is not used.


    The terms as known in the West came from CNN and Fox News, and from the neocons at the AEI (American Enterprise Institute), the Brookings Institute to name a few who spew these invented terms, and pump up their worth. It is downright astonishing.


    If you are wondering why these terms were invented, it is to make everyone associate good Arabic words with terrorism. Have you noticed how the words "Islamic Terroism" and "Islamic Fascists" seem normal in today's news. Now, when someone hears the word Muslim or Islam, the mind immediately associates terrorism. It works like magic.


    Bush used this deceptive association to bring about a war by mentioning the words "Saddam" and "9/11" in the same sentence. Today 60% of the people believe that there was link!


    It's a very powerful and deceptive method that works everytime. Use terms like "death tax" to eliminate the estate tax for the rich. I can go on and on with this deceitful practice.


    None of this is to excuse what some fascists called Al Qaida did. But remember, they are called Al Qaida, not Islamic Fascists or Jihadists. Just like the Red Brigade in Italy and the IRA in Ireland. They are referred to by their title, and name. I have never heard of anyone referring to the Red Brigades as Catholic Terrorists or Italian Terrorists. Imagine the outcry if that happens.


    Nick Woods.


    Nick, no doubt there are people that lump all the people of Islam into one big terror cell and it isn't right. Unfortunatly the case with those who are in the terror cells, the "extremists" are labeling themselves. They call themselves Jihadists. Their battle cry is for a Jihad (a holy war). To them this is about a religious fight. Sure theres a hundered other factors involved but their rallying cry is "Kill as many Zionists as possible", "Make Islam reign from here to Spain" (the latter refers to a comment claimed yesterday by one of their leaders)


    To them its their version of the Crusades.

    Yes, its the guns fault for killing someone, not the person who fired it.


    Just as its the extremist Islams that are the problem who, as far as I know, do not represent the true nature of Islam so the extremist Christians that are shouting God Hates Fags are wrong, and do not represent the true nature of Christianity.


    I may not be able to say anything that helps you see my point. You may not even care, but its the truth.

  7. The reality of this ongoing conflict is the brutal military occupation of a population for decades in Palestine.


    If you want to get into the business of brutally occupying people, there will be a conflict. Remember, there was no Hizbollah before the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, and there was no PLO before the occupation of Palestine, and there was no Al Qaida and Bin Ladin before the Soviet Occupation and massive counter support of the U.S. government.


    Ask the Brits back in Iraq, India, and Africa and the French in Algeria about brual occupations. They all learned their lessons, that's why they don't do it anymore.


    I am still amazed how many here still blame religion for everything, and especially Islam. I've studied every major religion in my early years in Catholic Schools to the old testament and the Koran in College and during my travels. None of these religions prescribe hate and rasicsm. Fanatics are not religious people, even if they claim to be so. They are fascists and rascists, who take cover under the blankets of religion.


    Because WWI and WWII were started by "Christian Nations" should we then call Christianity a violent and genocidal religion? Everyone referred to the 1940s Germany as Nazi Germany. It would be unacceptable to refer to it as Nazi Lutheran Germany. Yet, when it comes to Arabs, the West just loves to blast their religion as violent, and use dumb terms like Islamic Terrorists, and Jihadis, and Jihadists.


    Just take a look at the brutality of Europe for the last 1000 years for some truly needed perspective.


    The Brits colonalized most of the earth, and brutally ruled hundreds of millions of people. No one ever called it the Christian Empire. They call it the British Empire. Why? Because Christianity has nothing to do with oppression and racism.


    Same with the Russians. They called it the Soviet Empire when it dominated so many other countries, not the Christian Orthodox empire (since many Russians are of that denomination).


    It is a religion of love and peace. Read Jesus' and Moses' real teachings, you will be wondering where today's problems come from.


    Focus on the brutal and unjust occupation that is going on as we speak in Palestine. Terrorism is only a symptom of this cancer that no one wants to treat or consider. They do so because everyone is afraid of being accused of being an "anti-semite," which is simply not the case. Bad people exist in every religion, period. And this is not to excuse the violent behavioral response of occupied people against civilians in restaurants, buses and parks.


    I hear many here talking so offensively about Islam as a violent and a women hating religion. For god's sake, quit this ignorant and racist attitude about Islam and Arabs. Bush and Blair could only hope to find more people with this attitude to continue this clash of civilization nonesense.


    Peace to all.


    Nick Woods

  8. Gareth,


    A few quick lessons, and I'll try to make them simple:


    1) Never ascribe blame on an entire group of people, religion, faith, color, etc., for anything.


    2) The same here. There are many leaders of the Zionist (whether Christains or Jews) movement who have tremendous sway when it comes to U.S. Foreign Policy in the middle east. They are as rascist and fascists as the neocons in the Bush Administration, hence more wars and suffering, and refugees. This has nothing to do with the Jewish religion, which like every other religion teaches tolerance and respect as I have learned from reading the old testament.


    3) Finally, if you are planning to use the predicatable "anti-semite" accusation, please note that I've learned this from a very brigh and kind Jewish Professor during several political science courses back in my college years. I would be more than happy to refer you to his work if you would like to read.


    4) Finally, sense of sustice has no religious or ethnic boundaries. What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong. Making fun of refugees and degrading Arabs by people like you and TSM is wrong.


    So Gareth and TSM, know the facts, read up on reality, and respect other people, and quit thinking like Bush or in your case Gareth like Blair. Finally, I am always reminded by the edict: "No Justice, No Peace."


    Nick Woods



    Nick one of your quotes is hear say the other is from ONE nut case.... your point is ?


    or is your point that JEWS are the problem ? , if thats what you think have the guts to say it.

  9. TSM,


    It's OK TSM, the truth really hurts. I hope you enjoyed the article.


    Nick Woods


    Nick, you are so naive, gullible, ignorant and plain stupid that I won't dignify any of your ridiculous posts with a response.


    I'm through with this stupid conversation.

  10. I think Mr. Hughes comments are right on about knowing only one side. Very few people truly understand this conflict, because they listen only to western controlled media, and honestly cant be bothered to verify the news. They rant about how Arabs want to destroy Israel because it's the only democracy, and others talk about how uncivilized tArabs are.


    Well, since personal opinions don't really matter, it's always good to remind everyone of real facts and statements of leaders.


    Here's a well researched article that I read recently by two respected scholars from Harvard and the University of Chicago (amazing how many people tried to shut them up after publishing this article).




    And finally, here are some interesting quotes about "freedom loving" leaders of Israel, the "only democracy in the middle east." May be you'll understand the root causes of the middle east conflict, and why everyone here is concerned about the "terrorist" groups there. TSM, this is especially for you:


    "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.


    "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.


    "We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.


    "It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands." Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.


    Hmmm.. you wonder why they hate us, and why the region is so radicalized.


    Nick Woods



    - When I was a kid, I knew plenty of Jewish kids and no Arabs or Muslims. I always assumed Israel was in the right in the '67 and '73 wars. I was in college before I even realized there was another side to the issue. Now most of my colleagues are African Muslim and none are Jewish. Someone tell me what to think!
  11. I think Mr. Hughes comments are right on about knowing only one side. Very few people truly understand this conflict, because they listen only to western controlled media. They rant about how Arabs want to destroy Israel because it's the only democracy, and others talk about how uncivilized tArabs are.


    Well, since personal opinions don't really matter, it's always good to remind everyone of real facts and statements of leaders. I'll leave everyone some food for thought.


    Here's a well researched article that I read recently by two respected scholars from Harvard and the University of Chicago (amazing how many people tried to shut them up after publishing the article).




    And finally, here are some interesting quotes about "freedom loving" leaders of Israel, the "only democracy in the middle east." May be you'll understand the root causes of the middle east conflict, and why everyone here is concerned about the "terrorist" groups there. TSM, this is especially for you:


    "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.


    "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.


    "We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.


    "It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands." Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.


    Hmmm.. you wonder why they hate us...


    Nick Woods






    - When I was a kid, I knew plenty of Jewish kids and no Arabs or Muslims. I always assumed Israel was in the right in the '67 and '73 wars. I was in college before I even realized there was another side to the issue. Now most of my colleagues are African Muslim and none are Jewish. Someone tell me what to think!
  12. I think Mr. Hughes comments are right on about knowing only one side. Very few people truly understand this conflict, because they liste only to western controlled media. They rant about how Arabs want to destroy Israel because it's the only democracy, and others talk about how uncivilized these Arabs are. Remember, there is always two sides to the story.


    Well, since personal opinions don't really matter too much, it's always good to remind everyone of real facts and statements of leaders. I'll leave everyone some food for thought.


    Here's a well researched article that I read recently by two respected scholars from Harvard and the University of Chicago (amazing how many people tried to shut them up after publishing the article).




    And finally, here are some interesting quotes about "freedom loving" leaders of Israel. May be you'll understand the root causes of the middle east conflict, and why everyone here is concerned about the "terrorist" groups there. TSM, this is especially for you:


    "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.


    "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.


    "We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.


    "It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands." Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.




    Nick Woods






    - When I was a kid, I knew plenty of Jewish kids and no Arabs or Muslims. I always assumed Israel was in the right in the '67 and '73 wars. I was in college before I even realized there was another side to the issue. Now most of my colleagues are African Muslim and none are Jewish. Someone tell me what to think!
  13. All of these refugees are "a great PR"? Now you understand why really are a Brit. Crack open these Books Gareth, they're waiting for you at the local Pub.. I am sorry, I meant the library. :blink:


    Nick Woods


    Nick, thank you for your anti british poop . What does "you truly are a Brit in every sense of the word" mean ?. Nice one !!! . As for the Crusades, oh so that makes bombing OK ? what about the spanish they killed millions too . Buy a history book . Did you not kill everyone in the USA once ? remember ?


    As for wars againest Muslims, you ever heard of the ottaman empire ( spelling maybe off, sorry if it is ) ?

    Read up on it .


    As for the camps ( which have been there for years and years ) one of the big problems is that no muslim country will take them in ( they are all brothers 'till they need help ) in fact these camp are great PR for the leaders of Iran and syria.


    BUY a history book and stop being rude .


    PS I've been around the world and some of the poorest, shity places I've seen are in the USA .

  14. There hasn't been a war between muslims and Christains? Was your British tea laced with some crack when you wrote that statement? The British have colonized and wrecked the lives of hundreds of millions of muslims and arabs throughout its history. Remember the Crusades? Amazing memory there Gareth. You truly are a Brit in every sense of the word. :blink:


    There are millions of Palestinians who live in squalid refugee camps who also "just want a home." We are in the year 2006, and we have dozens and dozens of refugee camps in Gaza, Lebanon, the West Bank, and on. We'll talk about everything but the basic rights of human beings to return home from where they are displaced.


    Anyone wondering why this area is acting up really needs to stop watching western controled media and pop open some good books on history and political science.


    Better yet buy a ticket and fly to the middle east with your damn video cameras and shoot the ultra and wretched squalid conditions of millions displaced Palestinians in various areas, and you'll discover how little you know of this area.


    Hey, since so many here are always wondering how to break in into the commercial world of cinematography, film and documentary making, and are always asking for advice, why not start by doing just that?


    Nick Woods




    As a British man I find it very funny when you guys blame yourselves ( The USA ) for islamic militancy, sorry to bore you but this has been going on since you were throwing tea into the sea.

    There has been war between muslim and christians since Mohammed gave the world his book, it's as simple as that.

    As for looking for someone to blame for the modern problems, the left ( in Europe anyway ) seems too put the blame on the Israeli's for just wanting a home. Iran's elite use this all the time, "sorry guys life is poop for you because of the Zionist Jews" not because you have no VOTE no FREEDOM of expression . The Islamic world use the Israeli's like this every day.

    As for Al Jazeera, one thing that upset me was the fact that they had a video of the London bombers and waited for 7/7 2006 when all of London was in morning too show this "back to Back" on their channel, nice.


    Not sure if this makes any sense. But thats what I'm thinking at this time.


    Gareth Munden. London UK.

  15. Actually Capt. Video I do know allot about the region, having lived and travelled there for many years, and in the process learned the language and culture.


    I've personally met many of the hundreds of thousands who fled to Jordan and other countries during the war, one of the biggest brain power drain in the history of any country. Many were lawyers, doctors, engineers, and your average business people. They couldn't bear to live a single second more in Bush's Iraq.


    That's why I suggested to Kemper to stick his finger in some purple crap and go to Iraq. He won't, and he will never move there. They talk the good talk, but wait when reality comes knocking.


    Yes, many Iraqi's disliked Sadam and his two sons, and had various negative views of him (after all he was a dictator). But most also see their country invaded, raped, and shredded along sectarian lines. Many at least found that Sadam kept their violent and sectarian ridden country intact, and kept Iran and foreign influence at bay. And if it wasn't for the devastating embargo for 13 years, their country would have been able


    Sadam also believed that religion should not play a role in government, and kept the crazy influence of extreme religious views out of the country. So, things aren't black and white simple. Also, you'll never hear about Sadam's contributions and service to the U.S. but starting an 8 year war with Iran. Even Capt. Video would be proud of Sadam's contribution. ;)


    The voting you all saw on TV wasn't for democracy. It was a vote to reinforce the deep sectarian lines of Iraq. Bush knew it, repackaged as freedom. Except this time it backfired.


    Bush now realizes that you can no longer divide and conquer in that part of the world.


    If you are a Sunni you vote Sunni. If you are a Shite you vote Shite. Kurd you vote Kurd, on an on. There is no democaracy. It was a lie, that just happened to look good according to our controlled media.


    So, Capt. Video and Kemper, there are job openings in the Bush administration. They always need people blaming the bogeyman "terrorist."


    Nick Woods






    Dude what the Hell is wrong with you. You sit there armchar quarterbacking like you actually know something and trying to tell THIS GUY WHO LIVED THERE all about it. You think you ACTUALLY have ANYTHING to say to him? You have NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. You think because you READ something YOU KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE to want freedom more than life? What til secret police break into your house in the middle of the night and drag off your family to be tortured and killed and see it YOU don'T pray for someone, ANYONE , to end your nightmare, then MAYBE you might have something to say to Kemper, I wonder if YOU might have a bullet put through your brain or be blown to bits when YOU went to vote if YOU'D have the guts to step out into that street.


    Iraqies aren't killing Iraqies. Terrorist scum are killing Iraqies. Evil monsters want to turn back the clock and enslave these people again. And by the way, where did you hear ANYONE suggest turning Iraq into an American colony?


    Oh, and Richard I don't have to bomb any place in the US, I case you've forgotten, Timothy Mc Veigh & Terry Nichols were caught and convicted as were the terrorists that planned the first attack on the world trade center and the guy who bombed Atlanta. So I really don't have to bomb anywere in the US because we have laws and people willing to enforce them.


    As for bombing innocents, in a war, people die that's why they call it war. We did everything we could short of endangering our own men to spare the population collateral casualties. In a "Good" war like WW2 how many civians died? War is a very ugly, horrible thing as Sherman said, "War IS Hell" but sometimes wars have to be fought. David mentioned something about Africa, one of the most disgracful acts of this nation was that we let the genecide in Ruwanda happen with out challange and then there was the luckwarm responce to the genecide in the Sudan. We don't have to be the world's police but we certainly should do what we can to stop the annialation of an entire race of people.


    To suggest that the American soldiers are ANYTHING like the terrorist scum they fight is simply a stupid statment and one not worthy of even responding to.


    As for "Pulling my head out of my arse" as someone colorfully suggested you seem to be the one who doesn't care about these people. You would have us leave and let this flegling democracy desend int civil war. How noble of you. What a humanitarian. I would truly love to tell you EXACTLY what I think of your comment BUT I already had to do 3 days pennance and quite frankly your not worth the trouble.

  16. Here's yet one more amazing quote from Kemper: It doesn't matter if "my dad put saddam in power"!!!! YES IT DOES!!


    The US plays with the lives of millions of arabs and muslims, putting the most extreme brutal and selfish people in power, and then "frees" them of tyranny, when the despots misbehave.


    You think there's freedom in Iraq because your people were sticking their fingers in purple ink? Give me a break! Voting never means freedom.


    You don't have freedom when there are 130K troops in Iraq, when the president of the U.S. and his Veep can land their planes in Iraq without notice and walk around like owners.


    Wake up to the reality of colonialism and racism. It's alive and well in the middle east. That's why the Middle East is in a "time warp" and always will be.


    Iraqis are now killing each other? Why? Sectarian violence? Terrorists? Saddamists? Death Squads? Some freedom Kemper, no?


    You truly remind one of Ahmad Chalabi and Fox News.


    Is this the freedom you want from Bush, you can have it. It's yours, congrats. I hear they're waiting for you in Iraq to strap on a belt. Keep believing in Bush, or you may want to invest in a few books on History and read how colonialism began and still remains in full force in your Iraq.


    Nick Woods


    P.s. To all others, sorry for going off topic.






    What sovereign dictatorships do you support. It doesn't matter if my dad put Saddam in power. It is the right thing to free them from tyranny...the violence today comes from a lack of giving a damn. 30 years of brutality constructed this divide. It is a moral imperative to change things...but let us just let them die without the right of self-determination as long as we don't have to worry about it.


    Iraq was the most logistically doable objective...the world is pissing on them again. Terrorists feed off of this do nothing mentality. The middle east is trapped in a time warp that is endless. The over 10 million of 15 million registered voters spoke in Iraq and again the world wants to ignore them. Do you realize how heroic that was...my god. The whole world should be doing everything they can for these people. I sadly, feel people are losing out to self metastasizing political battle and are forgetting the people of Iraq. They can, because they can always blame the US and Israel...just like terrorists. You enable them...I mean that as nicely as I can say it.


    let let those sovereign countries continue and endless cylce of violence. The internional community is cowering in its own self righteousness. You may feel good...wow, I'm Anti-war, but you only serve selfishness. War sucks and the wrong people die most of the time, but these guys aren't going to stop. Set aside political discourse and deal making for what is right. You might find that vocality works in the long run, but they have to no that you mean it. Don't like Bush if you must (put him in jail) but don't ever say it was the wrong thing to do. The world handled it wrong, but it was right and it will always be right.

  17. Kemper,


    Remember who put Sadaam in power, who gave him arms, who allowed him to oppress you, and your people, and who allowed him to gas his people.


    When he did, the U.S. still had full diplomatic relations with Iraq! It was the Regan administration and Rumsfeld who helped arm him with chemical weapons to kill the Iranians and the Kurds. You seem to forget this, and fail to mention it in your rant.


    Therefore, no apology is owed to you if you want someone like Bush to free your country. You probably should go to work for him, I am sure he will give you all the apologies you need to hear.


    It's high time you understand what colonialism means, and that no one in the Bush administration ever wanted freedom for you or any other Iraqi, and that's what many here are aware. Please don't give us this Chalabi line of yours.


    Nick Woods



    Citizen of Iraq,


    "I don't know really know why Saddam's regime lasted for over three decades, but I am sure as an Iraqi who survived that period that there was no legal or moral justifications for it to remain. I was counting days and hours waiting to see an end to that regime, just like all those who suffered the cruelty of that brutal regime. .... Throughout these decades I lost trust in the world governments and international committees. Terms like (human rights, democracy and liberty, etc.) became hollow and meaningless and those who keep repeating these words are liars..liars..liars. I hated the U.N and the security council and Russia and France and Germany and the Arab nations and the islamic conference. I've hated George Galloway and all those marched in the millionic demonstrations against the war. It is I who was oppressed and I don't want any one to talk on behalf of me, I, who was eager to see rockets falling on Saddam's nest to set me free, .... What hurt me more and kept my wound bleeding was that they gave Saddam a tribune .. and offered him a diplomatic representation almost all-over the world to broadcast his filthy propaganda and sprinkle Iraq's wealth on his supporters. I really didn't understand those countries demands to take away our misery. Did they really think that the sanctions were the cause? We were not even human, Saddam wiped off our humanity, we were just numbers .... Believe me, we were living in the "kingdom of horror". .... Can anyone tell me why the world let Saddam remain and stood against America's will to topple him? Till when will the charts of human rights remain incompulsory, cancel them, because they remind you of your big disgrace. Keep giving time and tribunes to regimes like those in Syria, Yemen, North Korea and Libya to justify their presence. To me I don't recognize your committees and I have no time to listen to that nonsense, I've got a long way to walk building my country and helping my people forget the days of abasement. You all owe the Iraqi people an apology."

  18. Hello Tim,


    Arri of NY sells them for close to $1,700 new! I can't seem to find any used ones for a more reasonable price. I'll check Axel Broda and Visual Products on Monday.


    If you know anyone selling used Super 16mm ground glass, please make sure to let me know.


    Thanks for your response.


    You can probably get one from ARRI in New York or Los Angeles, or possibly Axel Broda, or possibly Visual Products.



  19. Capt. Video,


    You hate the Bush administration? No, you don't!

    You sound exactly like a mouth piece straight out of his press office. Reading your post, you have absolutely no clue what Al Jazeera is, and why there is an organized effort to destroy it in the U.S.


    Let me remind you that Bush wanted to destroy Al Jazeera by bombing it, except that Blair was forced to change this idiot for a president's mind. And you allege Al Jazeera supports "mass murderers and terrorists," goodness, you really do sound like Bush!


    Let me start off by saying I HATE the Bush administration with a passion that burns through to my very soul. That said, Al Jazeera does have the right of freedom of the press of course, but WE have the right NOT to suport them IN ANY WAY. That is our RIGHT as Americans. I can choose not to do buseness with them and I have the RIGHT to report anything I concider suspicious. These "journalists" who support mass murderers and terrorists have the right to free press in this nation, a nation they have time and time again bashed with statements that had they been directed at their own countries would have led to their immediated shut down and arrest, but if they think that gives them the RIGHT to politeness and cooperation the they are sorely mistaken.
  20. Thanx Matt. It looks like a really nice expensive shot!


    You got me more curious, so here goes my follow up questions:


    1. I checked this plug in, and apparenly it is available for different softwares. Do I need both After Effects and FCP with the plugh in to do the same effect, or can I just use it in my FCP?


    2. Also, I am looking into buying a steadicam, and I've been researching both the Flyer and the SK2. Which is better to your knowledge? Have you used any film cameras (like the Arri SR or Aaton LTR or XTR) cameras with either Steadicams?


    As for the strobing, I am gonna be using the 30P setting instead of the 24P. I think you're right about the difference between the 24P and 25P


    Once again, thanks for your info.




    >First, how did you manage to avoid the strobe in this video. One of the problems with the XL2 has been the strobe effect in 24P mode?


    Hi Nick hope you are well, I've never had problems strobing with my PAL XL2, but perhaps it has something to do with shooting 25p instead of 24p. Perhaps that one frame a second extra eliminates the strobing i here about.

    Besides that i would avoid high shutter speeds over 100/sec just to be safe.


    >Second, how did you do the freeze frame of the group with the camera dollying around them in almost 3D like effect?


    All done with steadicam flyer, then in post to slow down with after effects and FCP with the twixor plugin. In essence ramping to over 1000/frames a second in post.




  21. Matt,


    Liked the video! I have two questions:


    First, how did you manage to avoid the strobe in this video. One of the problems with the XL2 has been the strobe effect in 24P mode?


    Second, how did you do the freeze frame of the group with the camera dollying around them in almost 3D like effect?






    Heres a video i have posted before on this forum >Click for video<


    All shot on xl2, it reached No'8 in uk mtv bass charts :)


  22. Hello madsen,


    There are many contracts that I can post. Which one do you want? A DP for hire or producer contract? They're both different. I believe the original post described a DP who became a producer of a production without knowing it. Tell me what kind of work you anticipate doing, and then I can post a sample contract.




    Could you post a copy of that contract. You don't really learn the business end of Dping in film school. Thanks.

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