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Posts posted by BROKEN2006

  1. Hey Everyone,


    I created a new short film "Cyn" for Steven Speilberg?s ?On the Lot? and I had to do it from script to finished product in 6 days.

    Done for well under $1000, Cyn brings together an amazing group of talented people. Without these remarkably talented friends and professionals,

    Cyn would have never made it's 6 day schedule.




    Check out the trailer: http://www.alittlecyn.com/trailer.html


    Cyn is a trimmed down version of a longer script I created for my upcoming feature film project called ?Red Princess Blues.?

    As I developed the "Princess" short film I noticed that it had less and less in common with my characters and storyline from the feature project.






    Friday: Write the script and prep the shoot


    Saturday: Casting and prep the shoot; also begin working on opening titles & prep visual effects


    Sunday: Rehearse, Fight Choreography and Production Design the location


    Monday: Shoot day


    Tuesday: Editing and color correction; begin scoring process, sound design & visual effects


    Wednesday: finish scoring, sound design, composites of visual effects and master output.



    Cyn was shot on the Panasonic HVX200 in HD 720p Native using four 8 gig P2 cards. This allowedme to have my assistant editor/cameraman

    Ricky Pierre-Louis to download the footage on a Final Cut Pro editing system while still on set. The workflow was amazingly fast and the images were beautiful.

    I wanted to give it a very unique look in post so we really pushed the limited of the camera and image.




    Let me know what you think about the teaser. The official site is: http://www.alittlecyn.com


    And thanks to everyone who supported and enjoyed the "BROKEN" DVD. I hope it help some of you out!


    Keep your eye on the prize :thumbsup:

    Alex Ferrari








    Official My Space Page - http://www.myspace.com/broken2006





    [ Visual Effects for Indie Films ]

  2. "BROKEN" Feature Film VFX Test Clip w/ Breakdown


    Hey Guys,


    Just wanted to give you an update on "B R O K E N" the feature film. We have finished the screenplay and it is in the hands of our producers. We are currently in development on the visual effects, conceptual art, etc for the flix. Wish us luck.


    We wanted to share one of our vfx tests. It is rough but we did do a breakdown on how it was done for you to see the process.

    Let us know what you think.


    Check it out: bk_vfx1_preview.jpg


    For the for clip FULL click here: http://www.whatisbroken.com/bk_vfx_test.html


    Also, I will be shooting another short film in the coming months while we are waiting for BROKEN to go into full drive. I haven't shot a frame since BROKEN and I am itching BAD!! More details to come...


    Thanks again for all the support, the emails, and good wishes. The BROKEN: Special Edition DVD seems to have been very well receieved and according to all your emails and posts is helping a lot of filmmakers and storytellers. I wish you all the best of luck in your future projects!!!

    Make it happen!


    Keep your eye on the prize :thumbsup:






    Official My Space Page - http://www.myspace.com/broken2006





    [ Visual Effects for Indie Films ]

  3. "BROKEN" Feature Film VFX Test Clip w/ Breakdown


    Hey Guys,


    Just wanted to give you an update on "B R O K E N" the feature film. We have finished the screenplay and it is in the hands of our producers. We are currently in development on the visual effects, conceptual art, etc for the flix. Wish us luck.


    We wanted to share one of our vfx tests. It is rough but we did do a breakdown on how it was done for you to see the process.

    Let us know what you think.


    Check it out: bk_vfx1_preview.jpg


    For the for clip FULL click here: http://www.whatisbroken.com/bk_vfx_test.html


    Also, I will be shooting another short film in the coming months while we are waiting for BROKEN to go into full drive. I haven't shot a frame since BROKEN and I am itching BAD!! More details to come...


    Thanks again for all the support, the emails, and good wishes. The BROKEN: Special Edition DVD seems to have been very well receieved and according to all your emails and posts is helping a lot of filmmakers and storytellers. I wish you all the best of luck in your future projects!!!

    Make it happen!


    Keep your eye on the prize :thumbsup:






    Official My Space Page - http://www.myspace.com/broken2006





    [ Visual Effects for Indie Films ]

  4. Hey guys,


    After all the amazing support and attention BROKEN has recieved, we decided to open a visual effects house that would target the independent film community. We found that visual effect is one of the most over looked elements in an indie film and we want to fill the gap. The company is called "Numb Robot!"


    Check it out: http://www.numbrobot.com/


    We believe that just becasue you have a small budget your project should still look like a million bucks! Our focus will be to bring a high end visual effects to indie features on a budget. We also would do shorts if the project is worthwhile. Let us know what you think of the site and we are currently accepting bids for projects.


    Thanks again for all the support and we hope to make you project the best one it can be.


    Keep your eye on the prize






    I just bought my copy. Can't wait for it to arrive. The website is great!




    We will be shooting on HD or 16mm to DI to HDCAM. The DVX100a does not have the res for the green screen work we are planning to do.






  5. Keep us updated on BROKEN: The Feature is it a possibility?


    Thanks for the kind words! Glad you liked the DVD. We tried to fill it with as much cool stuff as we could! And YES! we are currently in development for the feature. It's going to be crazy and we are looking at a $2-$3 million dollar budget. We hooked up with some high profile producers (which we can't tell you yet who they are) and will hopefully be announcing the project at Sundance. Wish us luck!


    Good luck with all you future projects guys!



  6. Hey Everyone,


    We just finished shooting an action/thriller short film called BROKEN. Shot on the DVX 100a.


    Click here to check out the trailer: http://www.whatisbroken.com/broken_trailer_enter.html

    Also, check out our web docs: http://whatisbroken.com/webdocs.html


    Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for taking a look.






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