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Posts posted by erolroniberaha

  1. After 26 hours of working in a music video that is being shot by a first time director, I lost my nerve. e has been working as 1st ad. If I shut my mouth that day I would have been working with the company he has been working for. A good lesson learned


    Erol Roni Beraha



  2. With so many choices and different mothods chipping in, I will advise you to get dp and a producer that will help you to choose the equipment you want and do tests so you can actually see the differences before investing your money, just by just reading us.


    That's my two cents

  3. You can find this product in gecko-cam.com. I was wondering has anybody used it before? It is said, It is a harddisk recording system that can record from6 -150 fps. It sounds good but I would like to hear any user comments. If any of you guys know a system like this,that I can also use with photosonic cameras which goes more that 150 fps, I'll appreciate it.




    Erol Beraha

  4. there is a dp I know that shot 2 feautures in which he soht super 35mm 1.85 and the film was then blown down to regular 35mm 1.85. when I ask why doesnt he just shoot regular 35 and save bunch of dollars, the answer is the quality is much better. Ok there is more image area. but you are spending another 50 grand and you are going though an optical process. Do you think guys it is worth it?




    Erol Roni Beraha

  5. I have worked with different crews US, European, Turkish. Neither US AC's nor the European assistants told me to warn them when the batch number of a stock is changed. I havent tought this in college either. when I ask why I should tell them, the answer is there may be differences in batches of the same emulsion. If they are old film I may accept it but for the new stocks do you guys think this is necessary?




    Erol Roni Beraha

  6. I have worked with different crews US, European, Turkish. Neither US AC's nor the European assistants told me to warn them when the batch number of a stock is changed. I havent tought this in college either. when I ask why I should tell them, the answer is there may be differences in batches of the same emulsion. If they are old film I may accept it but for the new stocks do you guys think this is necessary?




    Erol Beraha

  7. Vision 800T is grainy, has a little more contrast and saturation than the Vision-2 stocks. You can also shoot Vision 500T (5279) and push-process it.


    I remember reading Geoff Boyle saying that, when he used to work for a lab, in push processing 1 stop push isnt actually one stop it is actually 1/3 and 2 stop push is around 2/3 of a stop. correct me if I am wrong. so my attempt to get high contrast image will not be that easy. for the digital intermediate process, there is one project that will be blown up to 35 from super 16, I may use it but other than that, the going back to film from di is pretty s new here and I dont actually trust the guys because of some other problems that I have heard. time will show ı guess.


    thanks for the answers


    Erol Roni beraha

  8. After coming back from the army, I saw that most of the kodak stock I knew was discontinued and the new vision2 stocks are on the market. So I got the test dvd that kodak made about vision 100,200,expression 500 and 500t. Most of the dps that shoot the short films said the new stocks are less saturated and there is more detail in the shadow. To cut the long storyshort, altough all the dps loved this new look, I dont want to see more detail in the shadow, I dont want to see less saturation or less grain. I kow that I can get these old stock from film emporium or else where. I just wonder is there a stock coming that the latitude is not that great and the blacks will be just black without any detail, snd there is apperant grain? You may say that u can get these by skip bleach,push process or lighting with higer ratios which is not my answer. for my taste I like grainy and high contrast images and I am wondering will there be any stock that will help me to get these images much easier?



    Excuse me if I misuse some terms as I am trying the reproduce the braincells that I lost in the army.




    Erol Roni Beraha


  9. Unless somebody from post production tells you otherwise, probably the safest thing to do is put VITC on lines 17 and 19 of field 1. (Perhaps that was all you really needed from all of this.)


    Actually,when I do someting that is written in the manual or anything in real life I want to know why I should follow the instructions. Thank you for your explanation. I have to reread and digest now




    Erol Roni Beraha

  10. There are two things I don't get about Vertical Interval Timecode both in Arri 535 and Aaton Xtr Prod. Firstly in 535B,when the video signal is being sent to the video recorder, there are 2 choices of position. As the signal is written directly into the tape that can not be seen on the monitor, how do these position change as I change the number from 6 to 22? I mean when I watch the footage with a vcr that can read timecode, will the place of the timecode change as I dial different numbers? Also in Aaton Xtr Prod, it is stated that I can record VITC in even or odd fields. What will be the difference or the benefit choosing one over the other?




    Erol Roni Beraha


  11. Here is the deal. I was working as a second on this feature and the leading actor jumped to the elavator shaft and killed himself. The production was shot down and i was told today that we are starting this saturday. Nothing like this has happened to me and I dont know how the working conditions will be. Did something like this happened to anybody? If it did this is the time to give me your advice.




    Erol Roni Beraha

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