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JohnBen Lacy

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Posts posted by JohnBen Lacy

  1. Would this represent an issue with camera itself or just the magazine?  For what it's worth, the same exact issue is happening with all three mags.  It's not a ton of slack, just enough where if I pulled it down taut, it would touch just below the bottom of the mag.  When testing with dummy stock, it does seem to correct itself once the diameter of spooled film is close to the diameter of a core, but I definitely worry about cinching.


  2. I found this old thread and have a follow-up question.

    I'm testing using daylight spools on both the feed and take-up side of an Arriflex 16SR.    The problem I'm noticing is that since the diameter of the inside of the daylight spool is much smaller than the core, once the camera starts running, the slack inside the take-up side gets longer and longer until a certain amount of film has spooled. After that, it starts 'absorbing' the additional slack on the take-up spool and becomes properly snug.

    Any workarounds?


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