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Geoff Boyle RIP

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Posts posted by Geoff Boyle RIP

  1. I don't visit here very often but when I do....


    Check out my CV John, I shot what is apparently the first totally digitally shot 3D movie.


    A bunch of commercials, station idents and short films as well.


    Oh and a huge amount of work with manufacturers at my own expense and time.


    yes Phil, I do have me to sell.


    As for CML, If I could get rid of the web interface to the messages my life would be a lot quieter and the quality of CML would increase hugely.


    The junk emails, ie the noise as opposed to the content comes almost entirely from the web interface.


    the email side, which is what it started as and is the heart of the system, tends to get more intelligent and reasoned responses.


    But John and anyone else, feel free to slag me off wherever and however you want, I'll just keep on movingg ahead as I always have done.

  2. Well, I think he was referring to the film he's shooting, not the websites. He's got other people to answer to with MC.



    Exactly Michael.



    I'm not trying to control what is posted, yes I do moderate CML harder than you meoderate here, there's room for both approaches.


    I'm not trying to muscle in on your world Tim.


    Face it, if you were shooting a $25m movie where would you be talking about it?


    I have to balance the need for some control, not upsetting TPTB and freedom of info.


    I've told Phil he can post wherever the hell he wants on purely technical issues, for the why's and wherefores you'll have to put up with me :-)



    Apparently there will be now that you've squelched one of the more valued contributors to this community. This ticks me off. Sorry, Phil.

    I understand that, Michael, but you'd think he could ask his crew to stay away from certain topics related to his project, not tell them to refrain from discussing the project entirely.


    It also makes me wonder about the content over at CML. Sounds like it all goes through a GB filter before it makes it to the reader.


    I don't want this to tun into a .net vs. .com argument.



    It looks like you really do Tim.


    Of course every message on CML doesn't go through a GB filter, that is just plain stupid!


    Of course CML reflects my approach to cinema.


    I wonder how much experience Tim has dealing with paranois producers........


    There are 6 people moderating CML the list reflects this, only the first few messages are moderated after than everything is open.


    Yes I do try and keep the main lists exclusively ti high end professional cinema, that's what CML was set up for!

  3. "All of this is much cheaper than film."


    It might be cheaper, too bad it won't look as good as film :)



    Err, it's a film based on a net game, a hard edged SF movie.


    Digital is much more appropriate for the story than film would have been, never mind the cost savings.


    Film/digital digital/film it really doesn't matter as long as the format is used for the right reasons.


    In this case the look and the finance coincide.


    A movie like this plays to an audience brought up on computer games, they actually prefer the digital look.



    I am officially muzzled.







    No you're not Phil, ya fired :D


    I'm just trying to keep some kind of control over what is posted, the film won't be out until Nov 2007 and who knows what might upset some people!

  4. And all of this is faster, easier, and cheaper, than film?




    All of this is much cheaper than film.


    Just imagine scanning and stabilising 1000+ shots.


    I'm not trying to pull people away from this list, seriously Tim, but as I run CML there is going to be a lot more about Mutants there than there ever will be here :-)




    Geoff DP Mutants.

  5. The offer I made was that I would extend Kinetta the same challenge that I issued RCA many years ago when they introduced their CCD camera, or rather didn't.


    That offer was to buy a camera on the spot with a 6 month delivery deadline, after that deadline expired the price of the camera would drop by 10% per month until after 10 months late it was free and they then started paying me 10% per month until they deliverd.


    RCA refused the offer, a good thing for them as they never delivered, Kinetta accepted.

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