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  1. Hi Everyone, My name is Will and I am a director DP. Before I get redirection comments, I want to say I am starting this thread because after a few weeks of combing through past forum posts, many of the topics/resources I am searching for are extremely dated an the websites I get directed to no longer exist. So I am now interested in finding links back to some of the outlets, or finding the individuals who can help me find where the Super 8 outlets I am looking for have gone. I am not looking for low budget tips, workarounds or DIY (unless that is a last resort). I am a fairly experienced commercial and feature director/DP. I have produced 2 features films, countless shorts (some good, some not) and am currently working in Berlin as a Table Top and music video director. I started with s8mm 12 years ago. I know its limitations, and I know this stuff all takes a lot of time and money. Phew, not that that is out of the way--on to the beef: I am getting back into S8. Mostly because my latest feature calls for it--the first 5 minutes play out in 1980s East Germany--where the rest of the film plays out contemporary. I have decided to shoot these first 5 min on 8 to add an aesthetic and to separate the time. Sure, I could fake it, but I don't want to and I have the budget not to. Also, I have tracked down some 8mm footage from the time and region I am shooting in--if I can get away with it, I want to try and integrate the historic footage for establishing shots. It might not work--I'm not worried about that right now. I recently won a Beaulieu 6008 PRO on Ebay. I have already sent it off to Björn to be rebuilt and modified. I am having him widen the gate and modify the Quartz unit to run at 24fps instead of 25fps (I work in a US market). He is also modifying the front mount (machining it down) to accept my set of Veydra Mini Prime lenses (the bases are too broad, and don't sit flush because of the LCU mount). This is new, modern glass that I use with my Blackmagic rig, but Veydra has provided me with new mounts to let them work on C mount systems. I also have the Schneider 6-66 1.8 for a second option. I am clearly putting some money into this rig, and I plan to use this for many future projects (music videos, short films, possibly a feature). I am looking for the following resources as the websites/companies no longer exist: 1. A good sound Barney and/or Blimp to make dialog recording more of a possibility. 2. Ways to add on a rail system for follow focus/matte box, and also keep the camera level on the tripod. 3. Any leads on how to build/integrate a 200ft/60m cartridge/magazine. Björn tells me parts for the Ritters aren't available any more. I know these were built out of the R16 mags. Is there a former Ritter employee with build plans? Part Leads? Is there a way to take the old Kodak 60m cartridges and make them reloadable? Any lead on where to find them? I am willing to get very customized on this and invest some money to make it work. 4. Thankfully, batteries on the 6008 are easy to swap, but does anyone have any knowledge on integrating a v-mount type system? And again, I have searched the forums for these topics but they are all dated and lead to dead ends. Also, I know I could do 16 with what I am putting into this. I don't want to though. I want to make this work. That's it for now. Thanks so much guys! I appreciate the help! ~ Will
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