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Found 9 results

  1. For sale, 24.5mm Elite anamorphic lens. London based very good condition - message me for high res images £17,000
  2. Posted Today, 05:48 PM Hello everyone, I am very fascinated by the anamorphic lenses and the effect obtained with them. Looking on the internet for a lens that would not cost too much I found a person who sells an anamorphic projection lens. The lens is an Optical Iper16 2x Anamorphic, I do not know if any of you own it or know it. I would like to use the lens with a Canon 518 AutoZoom and I wanted to ask you: Is it possible to use this lens with my Canon 518? What kind of adapters should I take to fix the anamorphic lens on the camera lens? This is the link forse the Image of the lens: https://www.google.com/search?q=optical+anamorphic+iper+16&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&tbm=isch&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiY4cG06e3fAhVC3RoKHX4mBr0Q_AUIECgC#imgrc=b-12YfnxFQr0dM&imgdii=q-i_a1AxHWdY1M
  3. Im hosting this anamorphic lens comparison on my site now, it was taken down from the original site. We compared 6 different anamorphic sets on the red camera. There are videos and pictures for each lens and set. Let me know what you think. https://www.mu2pro.com/lens-test/
  4. Hello everyone, I am very fascinated by the anamorphic lenses and the effect obtained with them. Looking on the internet for a lens that would not cost too much I found a person who sells an anamorphic projection lens. The lens is an Optical Iper16 2x Anamorphic, I do not know if any of you own it or know it. I would like to use the lens with a Canon 518 AutoZoom and I wanted to ask you: Is it possible to use this lens with my Canon 518? What kind of adapters should I take to fix the anamorphic lens on the camera lens? This is the link forse the Image of the lens: https://www.google.com/search?q=optical+anamorphic+iper+16&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&tbm=isch&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiY4cG06e3fAhVC3RoKHX4mBr0Q_AUIECgC#imgrc=b-12YfnxFQr0dM&imgdii=q-i_a1AxHWdY1M
  5. For sale Rear anamorphic submount with PL mount for LOMO anamorphic roundfront lens F = 100/2.8 type 35BAS25 - 2 In submount fit LOMO prime OKC2-100-2 F = 100/2.8 Price - $ 2100 https://www.flickr.com/photos/45352422@N08/30049569464 https://www.flickr.com/photos/45352422@N08/30047614053 Best regards Sergey sergastr@list.ru sergastr@yahoo.com
  6. Hi guys, hope I caught the right space to ask this info.. I was wondering if somebody knows wich anamorphic lens is best suited for my Nikon D5200. I'm looking for a 1.9x - 2.0x sqeeze, cheap one if possible. I found this model on ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Schneider-ES-Cinelux-Anamophic-2x-MC-35mm-cinelux-2-0-67-5-UK-SELLER-/201480808707?hash=item2ee9312903:g:gkAAAOSwI-BWICri Is this one ok? Do I just need some clamps to attach it? Thanks, Ale
  7. Looking for a new home for my anamorphic setup, more information is available in the eBay description. http://www.ebay.com/itm/271859068107?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Thanks for your time, Bruce
  8. My apology if this is not an appropriate place to post about lenses. I did a search and only a few articles came up about this lens. I am shooting shorts and possibly a feature with a smartphone in 4K native rez. The phone is at www.oneplus.net in case you're interested to see it. Looking around for anamorphic lenses and found a few on ebay. I am going to make an assumption without much knowledge about lenses in general and ask a few questions: - Due to a very small lens and sensor in smartphones the closest lens should be around 16mm size? - Would regular 35mm lens work as well? - Cinema anamorphic lens is better than a projection lens? I understand completely how to mount a lens (on a rig) and how to get the phone's lens close as possible. It won't be mounted directly on the phone itself. The rig will be mounted on a platform and everything should be very solid. Here's the lens I am thinking of buying, are these cinema or projector lenses?: I don't know the differences and which one I should get. -Sankor anamorphic 16F -Sancor anamorphic 16C No.50015 -Sankor anamorphic cinemascope 16F I solicit your advice for the questions above and I really appreciate it :) One more thing, if you have used anamorphic lens on your smartphone, please let me know. I need to learn a lot :) Cheers
  9. An extremely rare and original LOMO anamorphic lens kit 35BAS2-2 for Sale F stop 3,5/ T stop 4,2. Focuses from 2 meters.Made in 1987. Serial 870006. Lens in mint condition. Cover has some signs of use. Glasses very clean. Iris and focus smooth. No oil, no dust, no fungus, no scratches. Native OCT19 mount or PL mount convertible. For more info: http://www.agfilm.co.uk/lomo-35bas2-2-anamorphic-for-sale Or contact me directly at: af@agfilm.co.uk
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