Hello all,
For the current film I'm working on, I had to go through an odd process to do what I needed to it.
First, I imported the footage into Premiere so as to trim it down and piece it all together.
Then, I opened up After Effects, and imported the project from Premiere into AE so as to do some edits to it that I could only do in this program.
Then, after finishing these edits, I opened Premiere back up and imported this AE timeline that I had added the edits to into a timeline on Premiere.
Basically, I did all this without ever having to export from a program.
Just some specs: I use Windows 7 with 8gb of RAM. Also, the video files I used were ProRes HQ.
Everything turned out fine, but there is one inconvenience: when I play the final video in Premiere, it has extremely choppy playback (even on 1/4 quality). I did do some pretty heavy edits to it in After Effects, but my question is, is this the best way to go about doing something like this? Or should I have exported an H.264 file from AE, then import it into Premiere?
Thanks a lot!