I have a commercial shoot coming up where our actor will be next to a projector pointing at charts and graphs. I have questions about shooting the projector. Here they are...
Is their a specific type of projector that would be better to shoot? DLP? LCD LED? Should I get the brightest option? What would that be?
If I'm exposing for the projector would that require more output from our production lights? We are in a high rise office building with an open floor plan and fluorescent overheads. We are limited to house power. We will mostly use Kinos and maybe small HMI's?
What about color balance? Are the projectors daylight? and can I change them if need be? I am already dealing with the fluorescents and since It's a large space I doubt we will be able to swap out with balanced tubes.
Finally, do I need to be concerned about flickering or rolling bars like with a computer monitor?
Thanks in advance for your help!