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Found 5 results

  1. Anyone have any fun in-camera ideas for shooting a dream sequence? So far I've got, tilt/shift, unseat/reseat the lens, and for filters I was thinking of playing with the glimmerglass, promist, soft FXs, etc.) Any other ideas? Anyone use any glass elements in front of the lens (with or without abrasions on it) that they like? Thanks! Best, Andrew
  2. Hey all, DPing an independent short come December 9th-11th. There is a small Interior Night scene on location, where I would like to simulate stormy weather outside. I would like to do something like water in front of a fixture, but how can I achieve this? We will likely be using something like an Arri 1K with Urban Vapor gel outside the window to simulate a street light. Won't be shooting towards the window, so the rain effect will just need to be a texture. Also, would like to simulate thunder, in combination with the street lights. We'll have a couple of SPE-6 Flickermasters. How can this be achieved? Thanks ahead of time!
  3. Hello, I'm curious if anyone has used LED fresnels (Arri L7, Mole Studio LEDs, etc.) for a lightning effect. I'd like to be able to cue a lightning strike thru the unit's DMX control. I want to avoid tungsten because of the time it takes the filament to dim completely down between flashes. However, I'm not sure if there is a delay in the LEDs that would prevent an effective strobing or flashing effect. I imagine I'll test it soon enough, but wondered if anyone had any experience or thoughts on the issue. Thanks, Tristan Noelle
  4. Hi everyone! What are folks using these days for high-output sharp-beamed flashlights? I have a scene primarily lit by a flashlight cutting through a (haze-filled) dark church. I'd love the sharp edges (almost Source-4ish) of what they had with the Maxabeam in Jurassic Park, but in a smaller package. I'm F55 on this, but I might be overcranked so figure I'll be at 640ISO at a T2.8 and need the beam to really cut through the haze. Maglight sized would be great. Blue beam is fine. Anything new and exciting out there for sharp flashlights or do I need to have the actor use an old boxy Maxabeam? Thanks! -George
  5. How much of SFXs a director must know in order to make the movie? Is he supposed to have a great deal of knowledge of this field before embarking in such kind of projects? Must the cinematographer know this subject too?
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