Hi folks!
I don't know If I'm in the right forum for this, but I need some help to find a specific sort of lighting filter.
I'm looking for a filter that diffuses the light but doesn't add that white color, more like a "clear translucent" / "non-white" frost / diffusion film.
Rosco has got a lot of different filters, for example:
E-Colour #216: White Diffusion
E-Colour #220: White Frost
E-Colour #480: Full Atlantic Frost
E-Colour #253: Hanover Frost
E-Colour #129: Heavy Frost
I've made two comparison pics in ps so it would be easier to explain, notice how the second example diffuses equally as much but doesn't add the white color to it.
For example (#1), this is a white frost film:
...a this example (#2) is a "non-white" frost film:
I don't know if such a diffusion film exist, but if you happen to know any please let me know, I would really appreciate it!
Best regards