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I'm writing an essay and comparing optical artefacts between different lenses in different price ranges. Being able to compare these requires me to determine what a desirable result is and what an undesirable result is. Logically an artefact is a defect so it should be undesirable, but as well all know lens flares are a commonly used artefact in movies. Is there a way to determine what a good "lens flare" is?
Hello everyone, I have researched online and can't come to any solid conclusions about how sound design and/or mixing is done when you're working optically. For instance: I'm making a movie and seriously considering taking it the full photochemical route, ie. shooting on 35mm scope, processing the film at Fotokem, getting a work print made (no DI), cutting the film on a flatbed, conforming the negative, timing the answer print, and striking a release print. The idea is to keep my movie completely off a computer. But the thing I can't seem to wrap my brain around is the audio part of the process. How do I sync the separately and digitally recorded dialog to my work print? How do I mix in the music I want? Most importantly, the sound effects? I tend to have substantial sound design in my films, sometimes 150 tracks or more, and spend around 80% of my post production process on sound. Is there a way to do this optically? Should I just go with a DI? I hear a lot of terms like sepmag, and 35 sound mag, but I'm not really sure what they are or how you edit with them. Thanks in advance for your help. Colin