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  1. Hey guys, I recently bought a Bealuieu 4008 ZM II . It looks very nice but I havent found a cheap external battery so it´s not powered yet. But U did some modifying on it (longer zoomstick, b+w filter etc.) I als deatached the automatic diaphragm system to get a more "pure" and manual feeling. But now when I look into the viewfinder the picture is not very sharp and when I try to focus with the focus ring nothing changes --- still the same unsharp image. Also when I look into the lens an move the focus ring nothing seems to move. Its kinda sad because the Schneider Optivaron 1.8/ 6-66mm is such a good lens and i reall dont want to buy a new one or send it to repair yet. Is this normal? Has anyone of yo had a similar problem with the lens? Help would be very great Lee
  2. I've never done this before but I completely understand the theory. So I want to collimate a lens and in particular a C-mount Optivaron (6-66mm), originally collimated for the Beaulieu, but for repurposing on a standard C mount camera (the Logmar). I can follow the theory of what's going on in the following guide - basically it's using a camera and lens already understood to be correctly collimated, and focused at infinity, to image the image plane on the other camera, with it's lens also set to infinity, but in an unknown collimated state: http://elekm.net/zeiss-ikon/repair/collimate/ This I can manage quite well using a DSLR as the imaging camera - or rig up some alternative setup with diode lasers etc. Can do all the required levelling, making sure it's all parallel etc. What I don't know, but would love to know, is what I need to do with the Optivaron lens in order to modify it's collimation setting. I understand it will need to be partly disassembled. I'm perfectly fine with that. Just don't know what rings/notches/or whatever, inside the lens, need to be rotated/moved in order to tweak it's collimation setting. I can certainly open it up and experiment (and will eventually work it out) but if someone knows how to do it already, that will certainly save me some anxiety. Any advice much appreciated. Carl
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