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  1. Hi So, I'm shooting a job next week on our in-house semi seamless background. Cameras: 2 (3)x Canon 5D3, would love to not go under F 4.0 since the shallow depth is a bit too much for me below that for this situation. The setup is 4 girls discussing a topic, seated in a couch and two chairs. The film will end up being in black and white, but I would like to light it as to get a slight drop off of the light from the girls to the background, to make them stand out. As you can see on the photos, we have quite a few rigging options, but I havent really figured out exactly what to do with lights. If keeping in mind the above; could I get a result like that by rigging up two space lights over each two girls? Maybe a bit in front of them...? I imagine the space lights would be easier to control and still give a relatively pleasing light. How powerful would you reckon those would need to be? And even with the space lights would I have to light them with another light? Maybe a fresnel relatively high up doing a sort of key for the one group while slightly rim lighting the other and vice versa. Or is it more feasible to rig up the 4 x 4 metre silk we have in an Arri frame and then hang a couple of blonds shooting down? This I imagine would force me to work a bit more with skirts and so on, to get some sort of drop off? Would love to hear other ideas! OH... the large light hanging in the ceiling is a soft box made for still life flash, so I'm not sure it would be able to handle the heat much less fit the fixtures inside :) Cheers
  2. Hi guys, could any one tell me the difference between Artificial Silk vs Silk with 12x12 frames in term of light. If there is any as I'm thinking to buy one but but the Silk is a bit more expensive. Thanks J
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