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  1. Hey everyone. In October I'm going to be directing my first feature. It will be shot kind of like Zero Dark Thirty, but we will be shooting a lot of it weekend warrior style. For example, we're going to go ahead and shoot some of the scenes on the weekend with a small crew and then shoot most of our location with a pro crew. The idea being that we can just reshoot the cheap stuff if we need to. My camera options are a Red One, Sony EX-1 with letus 35mm adapter, a Canon 60D and a Canon 5D Mark II. Now, first of all...is it worth it to shoot with a sony EX-1 with letus adapter now that you can shoot with a dslr? I heard an interview with Gareth Edwards who mentioned it was just so hard to focus with dslr. Also the footage would be handheld...kind of like Zero Dark Thirty...not jittery found footage, but moving around a little. I own a 60D and so I can just go out whenever I want and shoot stuff with that. Or carry it around during the shoot and take some shots. We are going to have a kind of rehearsal with the actors for a scene in a bar at daytime. But I also wanted to film that with either the 5D or 60D with a basic lavalier mic set up. The main reason is that I want to set up 2 cameras and let the actors improvise. I know this is kind of incoherent, but would this be a mistake considering the majority of the film will be shot with a Red One? Will film grading kind of take care of that later? Or is there some way to make sure it all matches in terms of color tones.
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