Hello all,
This is my first post. I am a photojournalist by trade, but I recently picked up a Revere Model 99 Standard 8mm Ciné Camera for a good price at a Flea Market.
I was wondering a few things. What are some good sources for Standard 8mm film?
Also, it came with two telephoto lenses... both had focuse rings that seem stuck. Is this a matter of dissasembly, or am I missing a trick to get them moving? The aperture rings work great...
Thanks for any advice or information. I'm not sure if there's a digitized users guide, but it would be most helpful in learning its operation. If I can get it running, I'd like to take it along on an assignment to India this summer... when I have some down time, a film about the Nihang Sikh warriors would be fun to shoot in this old format. :)
Thanks again everyone!