Hi everybody, I'm reading about color sampling and I'm getting a lil confused about the difference between RGB and YCbCr. From what I've understood they are both color spaces, but YCbCr comes handy because full bandwidth RGB signals have a lot of color redundancy and they are not economically efficient for storage and transmission. One of the things I do not undestand is when in cameras happens the passage from RGB to YCbCr. For example, if I'm shooting with a high end level camera like Alexa or Epic what is the color space? And if I have a chence to choose between the two which one should I choose? And another thing, I've seen that in high end level monitors there is a hdsdi input but also different inputs for YCbCr signals, whit differents connectors for the different color components. why is that?
Thanks so much in advance for the help,