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Well, I just finished the first series of "Boss" with the fantastic Kelsey Grammar.


I must say, I really enjoyed this, especially thanks to the cinematography. It was shot by Richard Rutkowski and Kasper Tuxen and was most noticeably for its shallow POV, macro CU and handheld cameras.

I felt that the handheld sometimes was a bit too much but the macros and shallow POV really added to the feel of "dementia" and "politics": being blurred by the situation, not thinking straight or not seeing what is happening. It certainly was differently shot than say "the west wing", which was smoother and had a more realistic feel to it.

Also, I can't help but wonder how big Gus van Sant's influence on this was.


Does anybody have some info on the series? Or interviews with DoP's?


For those of you who don't know it, here are some shots, but not in the broadcast order:



Opening credits (also pretty cool):


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