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Konvas Video Assist

Dan Cordle

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I'm considering what kind of video assist to use with my Konvas 2m. Has anyone used the variety that replaces the viewfinder? (I know RafCamer sells these.)


My biggest question is: How difficult does focusing become when you can only reference the monitor? I'm assuming this would make camera/subject measurements very important. Do you constantly find yourself swapping out the assist for the viewfinder? The video assist will be used mostly for steadicam purposes with a wide enough lens, so I guess the focus problem won't be as great as I fear. However, if I purchase video assist, I'll probably wind up wanting to use it at other times.


Any advise would be appreciated.


Dan Cordle


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The assist for steadicam works well- (I dont own one of Raf's, but I know someone who does, and it worked just fine when we were shooting).


The question is how wide is your lens, how much dof do you need, and will you be able to pull focus remotely during the shot? If you cant pull focus, you had better use a high enough stop and block it out as precisely as you can, so that which you need to remain in acceptable focus throughout the range of your movement does so-



The assist, where steadicam is concerned (and arguably for most film shooting), is only for framing reference. I would not advocate using it as a critical focusing tool in this case.





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Hey Dan,


Raf's tap works very well, but I wouldn't trust it for critical focus pulling. In that case I'd trust the lens markings, assuming they're all on the money. If you want to use a video tap and have the option of swapping it out for the viewfinder to verify focus, here's a trick I learned: Normally to remove the viewfinder or tap you have to pull the magazine off to access the viewfinder lock. Replace it with a long allen screw- it is a standard size. Now you can simply unlock it and remove the tap/viewfinder without pulling the mag. This will allow you to eye focus between takes and go back to the tap with extra confidence.


I hope this help.


BTW, I can return your motor tomorrow if you like- we're finally doing the pickup shoot in the morning.





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