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Removing light meter Arri SR2

Jed Darlington-Roberts

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Hi Guys,

Long time prowler, first time poster.  I bought an SR2 several months ago, been loving it and shooting with it a lot, but consistently trying to make it the best I can get it, which takes me onto it dark viewfinder…

Ive been trying to see what I can do to make it brighter, I’ve heard a wide angle viewfinder could help??? But they also seem to be far and few behind.  I can see Mose of the frame with the one it came with, but would love that more modern one that’s similar to the SR3.

I was also wondering about the light meter? I hear it takes some of the light, and I definitely don’t need it (doesn’t seem to work) so was wondering if I could remove it? Is this a relatively simple job of removing some screws, or far more complex?

Would love to hear what you have to say, and if anyones done it themselves could give me any heads up

Edited by Jed Darlington-Roberts
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